Meet the Sims & read the stories |
Tour Sim L.A. |
Outtakes, Links, Award and Contact info |
Lots by Calisims available at: |
Calisims Yahoo group |
Residence: Malibu Beach
Nicolas: Born in Italy, Nico has dreamed of being a rock star all his life. He moved to L.A. in pursuit of that dream & has worked every second to achieve it, practicing, gigging, eating, breathing & sleeping guitar. |
Nico's Relationships: Nico's former bandmates are Ty (drummer) and Ben (singer- a SS Somebody my game created, who no longer exists since I reinstalled). He remains friends with Ty. When Nico runs into Jackie, the bassist & singer of the band F Hole, in a Beverly Hills cafe, he finds himself involved in a difficult relationship with a Superstar, & tailed incessantly by an Obsessed Fan. When F Hole's heroin-addicted guitarist commits suicide, Nicolas is there to take over, contracting him to Bill Arthag's record label. After Jackie becomes pregnant, Nicolas moves into her Malibu Beach house. Formerly, he lived in La Leyenda Apts, Hollywood, where his neighbors were Xtina, Coby & Esme. Matt is the drummer for F Hole, Nico's current band. His younger brother Andrea is currently staying with Nico & Jackie & their baby, Trillare. |
Chapter Index
Click the chapter number to begin
1: Brush with fame |
2: Brush with fame, 2 |
3: Brush with fame, 3 |
4: Good Luck Club |
5: Obsessed fan |
6: Nico in the Tabloid |
7: More Obsessed fan |
8: Farewell, Jackie |
9: Viper Pit |
10: Jackie goes into hiding |
11: Media Frenzy |
12: Bad Fame |
13: Audition |
14: Ulcer Breakout |
15: Waiting |
16: The Offer |
17: Matt & Stacey |
18: Convegno Notturno |
19: Something Beautiful |
20: The Contract |
21: Star Quality |
22: Almost Perfect |
23: House Party 1 |
24: House Party 2 |
25: Image |
26: Image, 2 |
27: Lies and Rumors |
28: Bad Idea |
29: Temptation |
30: Recording Session |
31: Natural |
32: Closet |
33: Since I Been Lovin' You |
34: Hollywood Wedding |
35: Wedding Singer |
36: Hotel |
37: Secret |
38: Conceptual Montage |
39: Double Life |
40: Dressing Room |
41: What he does do right |
42: Andrea |
43: Industry Party |
44: Unexpected Pleasure |
45: Cat Fight |
46: Warning |
47: Dangerous Liaison |
48: Caught |
49: Argument |
50: Web of Lies |
51: Push Forward |
52: Perfect Date |
53: Promise |
54: June would be nice |
55: Dinner with Andrea |
56: Last Lie |
57: Bellagio |
58: Blackmail |
59: Painful Consequence |
60: Sweet Pink Hell |
61: Ballad |
62: Bellissima |
63: Love is a Strange Thing |
64: Dolce |

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. |
Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) |
All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info |