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Nico arrives early for the meeting: he's never been so tense in his life & the spa bath isn't really doing much to help. Mary follows him in shortly & takes the tub next to his.

"Listen, Mary, I have to stop. I can't see you anymore," Nico says, rising out of the tub, hoping to just slip out quietly & be done. "Nonsense," she says, with that laugh of hers that he used to find so sexy, which now just makes him uneasy, "You're here now: why not enjoy it?" Nico sighs & shakes his hair, "I'm not enjoying any of this Mary...this whole thing has been wrong from the start...I let you talk me into it before, I'm not going to again. This is done, Mary."

"Oh, look, there's that hippie singer girl you were talking to at Bill's party," Mary says, as though she didn't even hear him. Nico glances over & sees that the singer Angelyne has shown up here now too & is having a go at the oxygen bar.

Nicolas dresses & prepares to leave, "So we're clear?" he asks quietly. Mary hasn't said anything & Nico's blood pounds as he waits for her response. Will she make a scene? Let him go quietly?

Debbie comes in at that time & walks right up to him. She looks at Mary & back at Nico, and then tells him she just got through shopping with Jackie. She goes on about getting some emails of designers she's worked for, to help Jackie find a wedding gown, her eyes darting in Mary's directions every few seconds. Nicolas really wishes Mary would take off, and not hang around looking suspicious in front of his brother's girlfriend.

Debbie finally concludes the conversation, saying she wants to get in a milk bath before her massage appointment, and be in time for her photo shoot. "I'll see you later, Nico," she says, looking at Mary & back at him. Debbie's attention is turned to her milk bath, but Nico & Mary are far from alone. He has to make some acknowledgement of Mary before he goes, things look suspicious enough as it is, he has to try to make it look like he just ran into her here. "Hey, I'm going for a breathe," he says, the most neutral thing he could come up with at the time, & he turns & heads toward the oxygen bar.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info