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When Nicolas is finally able to pry himself away from Mary he searches for his brother until he finds him in a hottub with Debbie & Bill of all people. Veronique has just left the tub and whispers, "Bill tried to finger me," as she makes a gagging expression. "Andrea, out of that tub, now," Nico says harshly, in Italian.

"Andrea, models like Debbie are just after money," Nicolas warns his brother. He tries to sound authoritative, but Mary chooses that moment to enter the room, and as ever her entrance sucks the breath from Nico's lungs, and he can barely speak at all, let alone with authority.

"Where have you been all this time Nico? I was looking for you before I ended up in the hottub," Andrea says, "You weren't in the hall or the spa anywhere." Nico knew this was going to happen, "Bill keeps me busy," he replies vaguely, and then remembers Bill was in the hottub with Andrea. "Bill was asking me where you went," Andrea answers, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. Nico has been caught now, and waits for the hammer to fall.

"You disappeared with that redhead, Nico, what were you up to?" Nico is not quite ready yet to give in, and tries to think of some explanation that would satisfy his brother.

Debbie interrupts at this point to say goodnight to Andrea, who obviously isn't listening to his older brother's warning about models and what they are after. But Nico can only be glad for the distraction, he has no idea how he's going to explain his absence & Mary's. Mary finally leaves herself, after saying goodnight to Bill, brushing past Nico, touching him lightly & not discreetly enough at all, given the current circumstances.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info