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Once they are seated, Nico feels like he can relax, at least for the moment.

He still has the hard job ahead of him of actually breaking it off with Mary, but Nico puts it out of his mind for the moment, and draws Jackie close into his arms, and whispers words of love in her ear.

Jackie whispers words to him, too, in Italian. It takes him aback at first, because Mary does that, practicing the little phrases her character uses in her movie. Jackie explains that Andrea has been teaching her some Italian. For Trill's sake, she says. A strange jealous regret stabs at him, outraged that his brother has moved so deep into his territory, along with the knowledge that his own behavior gives him no right to outrage.

When Mary is seated in the booth across from them, Nicolas gets the unnerving feeling that he's being stalked, and it isn't going to be as simple as just telling Mary he's finished with her.

She doesn't have that same power over him when he's with Jackie, Mary doesn't take his breath away & leave him without words. Now it's just a hammering fear, because the power she has is so much worse: she could destroy everything he has, just by revealing to Jackie what he's done.

It takes all his concentration to just act natural & pretend to enjoy his meal, which he eats too quickly, wanting to get away as soon as possible.

They get out of the restaurant, but Jackie wants to walk by the beach before they head home. Nico just hopes Mary doesn't have the nerve to follow them down here, too. Jackie looks up at him and bites her lip in a way that tells him he isn't going to like what's coming next, "Nicolas, you've slept with her, haven't you?" Nico stammers breathlessly for a moment & Jackie sighs, "I know that's in your past, Nico, it's just weird thinking this woman or that woman I'm going to run into is a former client of yours, and I feel weird when she looks at you, Nico."

Nico sighs in relief: she was so close to the truth, and missed it just enough for him to keep his charade afloat. "I promise, Jacklyn, they are all in the past & forgotten now. I love you and only you," he promises, hoping he can actually do it this time.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info