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Bill takes Nico out to the Bellagio Hotel in Beverly Hills for dinner. As Nico is getting a plae of unattractive food from the buffet, he hears Mary's sultry voice behind him & shivers run up his spine. "Bill!" she says, "Bill, how are you?"

"Mary, darling," Bill responds in the same fake tone he uses with Jackie, "Please, join us for dinner."

Feeling awkward, Nico sits a good distance from Mary, and then has to sit in silent isolation while Bill tells the actress & apparently a friend of his all about the video he wants Nico to do. Bill goes on excitedly how he's discovered some 'Orphic' quality in Nicolas that is going to make him millions. "You just wait, Mary, girls by the billions will be screaming & throwing their panties like Tom Jones never existed." The man can really spoil your appetite.

While Bill talks, Mary smiles at Nico over the table, 'hmming' and looking Nico over like he were some piece of art Bill bought.

Mary doesn't leave after they finish the meal, but hovers around as Bill gushes a moment about Nico's 'qualities' before he says he has to rush off & see some other talent of his.

Bill leaves, and Nico is alone with Mary. He thinks he should just walk away, she starts talking to him. It would be incredibly rude to walk away while she's talking....

The buffet is closed & all the guests have left the dining room, Nico becomes very aware of how alone they are as he looks into Mary's dazzling green eyes and realizes she means to have him. He doesn't know who made the first move, it happened so quickly, so naturally.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info