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Residence: Echo Park

Gavin: Gavin was a graduate student at Otis Parsons School of Art. He liked desiging large scale installation pieces, and was given to doing impromptu performance art in public, just to freak people out. But al that changed the day director Byron Palisades saw him grading papers at a Westside cafe & decided he was the man to play 'Dream' in his Sandman movie. Gavin never wanted to be an actor, or to be famous, but he did want to help his girlfriend Shay get a job in the movie costume design field...
Gavin's relationships: Gavin's story begins shortly after his girlfriend Xtina has broken up with him. A true romantic, Gavin pursues her undeterred, until Xtina slaps him after an argument. Resolved not to call her, Gavin moves on to Shay, an aspiring fashion designer. It is for Shay that Gavin accepts the role of Dream in Byron's 'Sandman' movie. Once he gets on set, he discovers he will be co-starring with his ex-girlfriend Astrid, a relationship that left him with some unhealed wounds. Gavin's housemates are Justin, Diego & Zach, and he is neighbors with Eleanor & Kira.
Chapter Index

Click the chapter number to begin



1: Xtina
2: Christmas with Xtina
3: Patience & Persistence
4: Slap in the face
5: Shay
6: Theater of the Absurd
7: Proof Sheet
8: Swinger's Ball
9: Good Luck
10: The Sweetest kiss
11: Body & Soul
12: Valentine's Day
13: Valentine's Day, 2
14: Little Quarrel
15: Karma Sutra
16: Brush with Death
17: Brush with Death, 2
18: Cold Dinner
19: The Scene
20: Dressing Room
21: Late dinner
22: Lunch with Byron
23: Acting
24: Acting, 2
25: Tea with Xtina
26: Cut
27: Synchronicity
28: Xtina's New Boyfriend
29: Jealousy
30: Poses
31: Girls
32: Smooth
33: In Character
34: Advice
35: Envisioning Hell
36: Enormous Trouble
37: Friends
38: Fanfic NEW

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info