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After the photo shoot, Gavin runs into Cynthia, an ex-girlfriend he hasn't seen in some time now. She broke up with him 'because she needed space to grow', he remembers. As with all his girlfriends, he remained friendly with her after their break up, and though they've lost contact recently, Cynthia immediately treats him with the familiarity of an intimate, telling him in detail about her new boyfriend.

Gavin treats her in kind, telling Cynthia about Shay, and the difficulties she has dealing with his ex-girlfriends. "Oh, now I'm jealous I wasn't invited to the ex-girlfriend get-together party," Cynthia laughs lightly. "But seriously, Gavin, most girls don't want to see their boyfriend's exes hanging around," she adds in a graver tone. "Try not to mix her in with us or, you know, she'll join us." "But I love her, and I'm completely faithful, she has nothing to be jealous about!" Gavin insists. Cynthia laughs, and wishes him luck, saying she has to rush off.

From the cafe, Gavin heads for the spa, where he runs into Kara, another former lover. It turns out Kara works for the studio, in publicity. "I couldn't believe when I saw your name attached to this project," she says with a laugh, "Now I spend my days pushing your name out to the media, I even arranged the photo shoot you had today. When we're done with you, you'll be recognized everywhere."

"I heard about how Byron 'discovered' you, Gavin. Why did you do it? It's the last thing I'd have expected from you...or have you changed completely?" Kara asks with a wry smile. She understands him in a way Shay does not. Celebrity is the last thing he'd wish for, and if he hadn't believed he was fulfilling some deeper purpose by accepting the role, he would never had chosen it.

"I don't want to be famous, Kara," Gavin says, "I'm doing this movie as a favor for someone, but that's it, I'm not doing any more and I'm not going to be a star." Kara shakes her head sadly & laughs. "Gavin, whatever it is you think you are doing, you've signed a contract with a major movie studio. As long as you are under that contract, my job is to make sure you become a you better get used to it. You know how I am when I want something"


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info