
That night, Gavin sneaks his way into a fancy private Beverly Hills party, to do a little impromptu theater of the absurd. Hollywood types are especially fun to mess with, because they have no sense of reality, you can do anything in front of them & they just don't see you. Gavin stands knee deep in dinner plates & makes faces while some actor prattles on about Drew Carey, as though it were all normal.

Inevitably, he gets asked to leave by the management.

Some people just don't understand performance art.

(for notes about this party, See 'The Party' in Adam's storyline. Fingerbowls & decorative plates by Around the Sims)

Gavin keeps to his resolution of not calling Xtina the next day as well. Later that afternoon, Eleanor comes knocking on their kitchen door, looking for him, saying she wanted to know how he is. "I'm fine, Eleanor. What's up?" he asks, knowing she didn't come by to talk about the weather. She looks uncomfortable & then says "Well, you've been so down about Xtina...." "Did she ask you come here?" Eleanor nods, "She said you hadn't called her for a couple of days & she was worried...," "Eleanor, tell Xtina that she can call here if she wants to know how I am. But if we're broken up she can't expect me to call her everyday, I've got other stuff to do."

Justin must have seen Eleanor through the window. Justin's lived in the house a few years now, but no one can figure him out. Some people are sure he's gay, some think he might be straight, but no one has ever seen him with a date of any kind. And he has this puppy dog thing for Eleanor which freaks her out. But Gavin's not going to stick around & save her. He knows Eleanor was just being used, but he can't help be a little mad at her for running Xtina's errand, and he wants her to pay, so she doesn't do it again, no matter what Xtina says to her.