
It still blows Gavin's mind: Xtina not only up & quit school out of the blue, but she broke up with him. Why? Sure, they have their arguments, but he's sure no two people were ever made for each other more than he & Xtina. Nothing can get her out of his mind, not his friends, who finally leave him to drink alone, and not his beer, which only makes his missing her more maudlin.

Gavin expected Xtina would come here tonight, & if not tonight than any other night. He comes every night & waits for her: it's her favorite club & she's not going to give it up just to avoid him. She lets him buy her a drink: he is convinced that she is just toying with him, she lets him go so far & then she shoots him down again. It's been a couple of days since he's run into her & she avoids his calls, so Gavin has long poetic protestations of his love to make for Xtina, his soul, his muse, life without her is a torn, empty canvas.

Xtina heaps scorn on his affections, but he can see in her eyes he's touched her. Xtina likes to keep her tough image & rebuffs anything romantic or 'sentimental', but Gavin knows her too well, she loves him just as he loves her. She's just too afraid to deal with it, because she thinks love makes her weak.

Gavin tells her how gray & miserable his days are without her, how his life is drab, uninspired despair & that he can neither write nor create art at all without her.

Xtina points out that Gavin has emailed her some poems he's written about her since she broke up with him, so obviously he can write without her. She just doesn't get it...writing about the pain of losing Xtina is not the same as writing about the maddening joy of being with Xtina

Xtina has a weakness for grand gestures & shocking public display, which Gavin is always happy to serve up with great style. He kisses her hand with a romantic flourish & bow that impresses even the ubiquitous Miss Crumplebottom & vows to prove to her that they belong together. Though he has no clue how is going to do that......