
Gavin comes up on Shay & Astrid near the craft services table. Astrid sneers at him, clearly angry that he's joined them. Gavin tries not to react: if he doesn't let her get to him, then she can't escalate it into a fight. A lesson he didn't learn when he was with her...

Shay is happy to see him, however. "Gavin," she sighs, shining eyes & smile. Astrid snorts in disgust & turns away. Gavin hopes she leaves altogether.

Astrid has her own plans, talking to Shay about getting together to party sometime. Gavin doesn't like to be suspicious, but trusting Astrid's motives would be foolish.

Gavin gives Shay a hug, and Astrid walks off, finally. Gavin presses his lips against Shay's neck. The job doesn't give them much time, a few sweet words, a stolen kiss, and she has to go. He has to eat, himself, before he gets into make up.

Gavin tells Byron about his impromptu rehearsal with Xtina this morning. "I think it really helped me get a feel for Dream. I think I'm finally ready for this scene." Byron is ecstatic, clapping his hand over Gavin's arm.

Even though Astrid is clearly up to something with Shay, trying to cause some problems, Gavin puts it out of his mind, putting himself instead back in the tea shop with Xtina, saying his lines here as he did there, as though he really were Dream.

Whatever her faults, however she behaves backstage, Astrid is a true actress, and Gavin believes she is his sister, when she speaks to him with such concern.

They do the scene a couple of times, but finally Byron calls, "Cut!" and they have this scene finished. It's only midnight, their earliest night yet in this filming.