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"Gavin, you let her kiss you right in front of you even care about me at all?" she says. "I didn't know she was going to do that, Shay," Gavin explains & Shay shakes her head in disgust. "That doesn't explain why you looked like you're in love with her when she did it, Gavin. And not just Astrid, the other one too, you're always all over her whenever she's around. You only pay attention to me if you don't have an ex-girlfriend nearby to play with," she says with scorn.

"Xtina & I are just friends, Shay. Just because I used to love her doesn't mean I can't still like her. But you're the one that I love," Gavin says. Shay sighs heavily, "That's just sweet talk, Gavin, and I just don't believe it anymore. If you love me, why do you look at Astrid the way you do? Why did you let her kiss you? Why did you try to kiss her that first day on the set?"

"I really didn't expect her to kiss me, Shay. But it is important for both of us to work through the hatred....." Gavin says, trailing off as he watches Shay's lip curl in a sneer.

"Look, I know you took this job for me, and you aren't really happy about that now. I feel awful for deserting you in the middle of it, but I'm tired of feeling like I'm just the girl you're sleeping with now," she says. "You're breaking up with me," Gavin says flatly. He's been through this enough he's become hardened to it. "I'm sorry Gavin," Shay sighs.

"Listen, Gavin, we'll still be friends, okay?" she says smiling now, relieved of her burden. "And, I gotta say this, I think Astrid is playing you, you shouldn't trust her," she says gravely, touching his shoulder affectionately.


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