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Residence: La Leyenda Apts.

Xtina: Xtina was an undergraduate student at Otis Parsons school of Design, but she dropped out. She has a crazy theory that life is really just a weird computer game played by some race of 'godlike' beings, & that they make us go through all kinds of crazy shit in our lives, just to entertain them. Xtina resents this & resists all attempts to do what the 'Creatrix' demands of her.
Xtina's Relationships: Xtina's story begins shortly after she's broken up with her boyfriend, Gavin, a graduate student where she had gone to school. Her next boyfriend was surfer Coby, folllowed by Rainier, the new guy. She is friends with Eleanor, also a former art student, and to a lesser degree with Kira, Eleanor's roommate.
Chapter Index

Click the chapter number to begin



1: Dealing with Gavin
2: Xmas with Gavin
3: Xmas, 2
4: Back with Gavin
5: Slap in the face
6: The Red King's Dream
7: Black Roses
8: Stubborn Xtina
9: Waiting
10: Bad News
11: A Strange event
12: Unspoken
13: About surfing
14: Wave rider
15: New neighbor
16: New neighbor, 2
17: New neighbor, 3
18: New neighbor, 4
19: Chat with Eleanor
20: Rainier
21: Rainier, 2
22: Close Call
23: Final words
24: So good, so awful
25: Casa Linda
26: Broken up
27: Menage a trois
28: Perfect Dream
29: Goodbye
30: Party in Venice
31: Party in Venice, 2
32: Très Fille
33: Psychedelic Purr
34: Meet the Friends
35: Bittersweet
36: Perfect Poetry
37: Tickled
38: Tickled, 2
39: Stupid Love
40: Instinct
41: Beachy
42: Should be
43: Desperate NEW
44: Really Lost NEW

Xtina & Gavin had a troubled relationship

She gets along real well with Rainier, too.

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info