
Xtina won't let him go that easily, attacking this time with kisses, throwing him on the bed & unleashing weeks of pent up passion.

Gavin falls asleep afterwards, but Xtina does not. Just as she regrets slapping him, she now regrets making love to him. Just because he said it was over, when she had said it was over first, anyway. Xtina can't stand the thought of Gavin thinking she couldn't stand to be without him...Xtina doesn't really know what she's thinking, she's just kind of generally angry, and decides not to be here when he wakes up in the morning.

On her way out, she sees one of Gavin's housemates, the one with the rock star hair, in the parlor. She's feeling a little vicious so she decides to harass him. "Hey, Tarzan, checking out the porn sites?" she asks as she walks into the room.

The insult rolls off him. "No, I just got home from work. I'm checking my email," he says as he gets up to greet her. Just got home from work at 3am? "Are you a bartender?" Xtina asks, picturing him at some rock club on the Strip. "No, I'm a physicist, I work at JPL," he answers, as though that's what everyone does. "I'm Zach, you must be Xtina...Gavin says you have this theory that we are all just characters in a game played by the gods?" Xtina is suprised to hear that Gavin, who had always laughed at her 'crazy' theory, would repeat it to anyone else, but she nods & gladly explains it to him. "They control our lives & watch what we do, making us happy or making us miserable just to entertain themselves," she says. Suprisingly, Zach nods enthusiastically as she speaks. And then he tells Xtina about a Hindu belief that the universe is a dream being dreamed by a sleeping god, and that it will end when he wakes. "Like...the Red King?" Xtina asks, though she's sure he won't get the Alice reference. "'Why, you're only a sort of a thing in his dream'," Zach quotes 'Through the Looking Glass' verbatim. Xtina is mesmerized as he goes on, telling her about some theory of the holographic nature of the universe, and how matter is essentially composed of energy, and then he brings it back to the Hindu gods again, "..so that, the trinity of Vishnu/Siva/Brahma is the same dynamic of centripital & centrifugal forces, and equilibrium," he concludes, leaving Xtina's mind completely spinning. It seemed to make sense when he was talking, but now she has no idea what he said. Except that he quoted 'Alice', which is a sure sign of his intelligence. It has been more than fascinating, but the sun is rising & Xtina wants to be gone before she has to face Gavin again.