On the way to the Rage Cage, Xtina runs into Eleanor, a former classmate of hers. "Xtina, Gavin is at the bar moping...since you quit school & dumped him, he's miserable. Why don't you go cheer him up?" Why does everyone think Gavin's emotional state is her responsibility? That's why she had to break up with him in the first place: he's too dependent on her. She goes up to the Rage Cage anyway, though she's not especially happy to hear she's going to have to cheer Gavin up.
Xtina runs into Heather before she sees Gavin, and scores some herb. Well, that's one long drive to Topanga avoided!
Gavin sees Xtina before she can avoid him. She lets him buy her a drink, but begins regretting it immediately. He starts off with the "I love you, I can't live with out you, you are my soul," crap right away.
"Gavin, you just like to hear yourself talk nonsense. When we were together, all you wanted was time to be by yourself, and when I'd leave you alone you'd call me every fifteen minutes. You're in love with being involved in a bad relationship, so you can be miserable & write poems about it. I'm living my own art show, Gavin, I don't need to be the co-star of your twisted little tragi-comedy."
"I haven't written a single poem, or painted or drawn anything since you left me, Xtina," Gavin tells her "I'm too miserable to do anything. I need you to inspire me."
Xtina rolls her eyes. "You exaggerate so much, Gavin. You've emailed me 5 poems you've written about me since I left you already & I know I saw one printed in some coffeehouse newspaper somewhere. I inspire you just fine without even seeing you."
"Xtina, you & I are meant to be together & I'm going to prove it to you, I swear it," Gavin says as he kisses her hand in a grand dramatic gesture. Xtina always loved that about Gavin: he's not afraid of drama or calling attention to himself. But he's just too selfish to be in a relationship with.