Meet the Sims & read the stories
Tour Sim L.A.
Outtakes, Links, Award and Contact info
Lots by Calisims available at:
Calisims Yahoo group
(Lot Pictures coming soon)

Residence: Topanga Canyon

Ulises: Ulises is an LAPD officer. Like his hero, Batman, he was driven to a life of crime fighting after witnessing the murder of his parents during a robbery. He is a very serious person & his devotion to his job has often made him neglect his personal relationships.
Ulises' Relationships: Dedicated to his policework, Ulises pretty much ignored his personal relationships until he met Heather, a free-spirited single mom. When he married her, he got a family, with step-daughter Amber & brother-in-law Coby. Before he married Heather he lived in Burbank, in a duplex, where his neighbor was Kelly.
Chapter Index

Click the chapter number to begin



1: Tracking a criminal: Ulises undercover
2: Setting the snare
3: Ulises meets Heather
4: Romance for a hardened crime fighter?
5: Ulises questions Bill Arthag
6: Medieval Times Magic Castle Fun Park!
7: Medieval Times, 2
8: Back at Heather's
9: Lunch with Boris
10: Closing in...
11: A long wait
12: You win one, you lose one
13: Second Chance
14: Undercover: working vice
15: Heather in Hollywood
16: Bad Cop
17: A Tip
18: Amber
19: Salome
20: Explanations
21: Thanksgiving
22: Thanksgiving, 2
23: Waiting for Heather
24: Santa Barbara
25: Santa Barbara
26: Santa Barbara
27: Santa Barbara
28: Rage Cage
29: The truth revealed
30: Truth, 2
31: Holiday preparations
32: Holiday shopping
33: Christmas with Heather
34: Dinner & a movie
35: The Question
36: Wedding preparation
37: The Wedding
38: The Wedding,2
39: The Wedding,3
40: Honeymoon NEW
41: Honeymoon, 1 NEW
42: Honeymoon, 2 NEW

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info