
The Grrrl Gamer shop has everything Amber wants: a ton of Powerpuff Girl stuff, computer games & teddy bears.

Which one of these did she say she wanted?

Happy Holidays! Ka-ching!

It's absurd to be paying so much in insurance & condo fees when he doesn't spend time here anymore.

The workout hurts too much because he hasn't done it regularly lately. Before Ulises met Heather, he was pretty satisfied with his life here, he was dedicated to his job & everything seemed pretty good, if not exactly joyful. Heather changed everything, & now the quiet of his lonely condo is oppressive & his slim single bed offers no comfort or rest. He dreams of Heather & wakes disappointed to find himself alone several times during the night. How did he sleep alone like this for so long, without Heather's head resting on his chest?