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Shay has got her dream job, and while she still isn't exactly living her dream life, she has moved up a couple of notches. She's moved into a great new apartment with Chloe, her closest friend now since they've spent so much time together during this shoot. All this happened for her because of Gavin. But she hardly even sees him anymore, because the job he took to get hers for her keeps him busy even when she is free.

And instead of Gavin, she has his ex-girlfriend Astrid calling and dropping by, as though Shay needs or wants her friendship. Shay doesn't know how to be anything but nice, though she would like to swear at Astrid & tell her leave, she just smiles stupidly while the actress goes on reminiscing about when she was with Gavin, ever detail a little stab in the heart. Everything Gavin did with or said to Astrid, he's done the same with Shay, like there was no difference between the two women.

Astrid probably regrets dumping Gavin now that he is on the path to fame, and she'd probably like to hitch a ride on the coattails of the costume Shay designed. Even Shay cannot continue smiling through much more & eventually Astrid leaves her alone.

Shay doesn't quite understand Gavin's motivations sometimes, but she knows he wouldn't have accepted the role in this movie if it weren't for her. And though she would never have asked it of him, since he did it, she tries too make it worth his while by letting him take pictures of her when he does have time away from playing Dream. But wanting to be nice to Gavin doesn't make her comfortable in front of the camera or make her into the model he wants her to be.

Gavin tells her she's gorgeous, that there's no reason for her to be uncomfortable in front of his lens, "All my girlfriends have posed for me," he says, leaning forward to kiss her.

Anger explodes from her in a sudden burst as she pushes Gavin off her, "I'm not all your girlfriends, Gavin."

He starts to argue, but she cuts him off. "Don't, Gavin. I don't want to hang around here taking pictures, I want to go out." She wants to get out of this room: she'd actually like to just go home & sew something & just chill out, but she doesn't want to walk out on Gavin during an argument.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info