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Coby tells her a heartbreaking story about some girl he really loved who dumped him for another guy. It's the last thing she'd expect of him: even when he was just a kid, he had new girlfriends every week it seemed.

She finds it hard to take him seriously, looking at her the way he was just a minute ago, now he's trying to tell her he's still desperately in love with the last chick he laid. "Ti? God, Coby, your girlfriends always have such stupid names," she comments, "..and you're way too young to be thinking you're in love," she concludes. If Rebecca does get involved with anyone while she's here, she wants it to be completely free of what she & Shannon were supposed to have. How did it turn into years living together?

Coby runs into some friends while they get another drink, more clean cut than she expects of this place or of Coby. But nothing so far has been what she why should she expect anything else? Maybe coming back to L.A. was a bad idea...she should have gone somewhere else, New York, London, Tokyo...

But now that she's here, she at least needs to see what is up with Heather & her crooked cop before she moves on. Maybe they haven't talked in a long time, but they were like family, once upon a time, and if Heather needs help, Rebecca has to try to help her. Right now, she's tired & tells Coby she's going to take off, "I'll let you hang out with you friends," she says. "You're my friend, Becca," Coby says as he reaches out to hug her, "I haven't seen you in ages, these are my neighbors. If you want to go somewhee else...," he offers, and Rebecca is genuinely touched by his affection. She's feeling a touch of nostalgia now for the closeness she once had to Heather & even to her little brother, who was so often hanging around.

She spent the whole day driving to L.A. & moving her meager furnishings up the stairs, she hardly recognizes the city she's returned to & she's just too tired to deal with any more. "It's really great to see you again, Coby, I'm so glad I ran into you. But I just moved all my shit today & I'm wiped out, so I'm going to head home. I'll give you a call & we'll hang out, okay?" she says, and he hugs her tightly before letting her go.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info