Meet the Sims & read the stories
Tour Sim L.A.
Outtakes, Links, Award and Contact info
Lots by Calisims available at:
Calisims Yahoo group

Residence: Marina del Rey

(formerly Echo Park)

NEW: Previews of Justin & Eleanor's new house in Marina del Rey.

Unfurnished version of Justin's & Eleanor's home now avalaible at calisims yahoo group.

Justin: Justin is a dark & shadowy figure, a loner who comes & goes as he pleases and makes very few close relationships. None of his housemates knows where he goes when he leaves the house. Justin loves cooking, and is very generous about feeding his housemates & neighbors. But he absolutely won't eat anything unless he cooked it himself.
Justin's relationships: He has no idea how it happened, but Eleanor stole his heart as soon as she walked onto the lot. She wanted nothing to with him, or with any man, she claimed. But Justin knew her secret....His housemates are Gavin, Diego & Zach & his neighbors are Kira & his girlfriend Eleanor.
Chapter Index

Click the chapter number to begin



1: Pursuit
2: The Pounce
3: Pussycat
4: Tested
5: Eleanor's swing
6: Sun Bathed
7: Indian Dinner
8: Shared
9: Appointment
10: Bomb Drop
11: Uptight
12: Marinade
13: Monster Bitch
14: Tanked
15: The Parents
16: Strength
17: Ostrich & Apple
18: The Moment
19: Ruined
20: That Dress
21: Bull
22: Secret
23: Submission
24: Submission, 2
25: Road Trip
26: Dress Up
27: Domestic
28: Drop of Amber
29: Cave people
30: Trusting
31: Confrontation
32: Confession
33: Balls
34: Leavetaking
35: Past is Past
36: Who is Jeanette?
37: Screenshots
38: Opening Reception
39: Mother
40: Phone Calls NEW
41: Ghosts NEW

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info