
When Eleanor's parents show up at Eleanor's house, Justin heads towards the grill. He glances at Eleanor's mother: she looks as bitchy as she sounds. He tries not to look at Eleanor as he passes her, but he can't help it: if she's in his view, his eyes will go to her. But she can't look at him, her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment.

Zach follows him out to the patio: Justin can hear him chatting with Eleanor's father. Justin works his grill, concentrating on his fish, glad he has a job to do, that he's outside their notice. But once the food is prepared, it has to be shared. Like it or not, he has to face them.

He tries not to watch her, but he does, and he sees her shaking with nervousness. He's doing better than she is, but that is because they haven't said anything yet. Kira comes home as they are sitting down & joins them.

Eleanor leaves him alone with her parents & sits with Kira & Zach. Justin can feel the mother's annoyance rise like a red flag: she's very aggressive with her negativity. The father, however is chatting merrily with Zach seated at the other table, like he doesn't know his wife is getting steamed in front of him. Justin wonders how she managed to live with them for so long.

After the meal (which got Justin a hearty compliment from the father & a grudging acknowledgement from the bitch), Eleanor's mother takes her aside for some 'mothering', and Justin finds himself face to face with genius.

Of course, Justin lives with genius, and Zach joins them now.

Zach and the old guy have mutual friends & colleague of course, being in the same field. They get along great together, but Justin has no idea what they are talking about.

He cooked for them & met them. He did what was asked, and since he can't talk to Eleanor, he doesn't see any reason to stay out here any longer.