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Jackie has barely left the baby's room for a second since they brought her home, she's so afraid of what could happen if she takes her eyes off Trill for a second. She's terrified she's going to mess this up, she has no idea what she's supposed to do, how a 'good mother' behaves.

Trillare looks like Nicolas, Jackie thinks, but Nico says she looks more like her.

Nico was shooting his video when Jackie went into labor, and made it to the hospital just barely in time to see his daughter being born. Bill has little sympathy for parental feelings, allowing no let up in Nico's schedule. But when he's home, Nico is, just as Jackie knew he would be, a perfect parent. It comes so natural to him, he knows how to hold her, he sings to her & makes her smile. Jackie does those things too, she's just never sure she's doing it right.

Now that Trill is born, it's time to start planning the wedding. "My ass is as big as Dallas," Jackie sighs heavily, hating to admit it out loud. "I want to get a personal trainer and lose some weight before I start trying on gowns."

"Jacklyn, I love your ass," Nico says with a charming smile, and tells her she's the most beautiful girl in the world, "You & Trill, Jackie, you're my angels." Jackie blushes & smiles; he truly is a wonderful man, "Bill says I look like a cow & he says he won't let me record again until I lose 15 pounds," she says, "You're sweet to say I look good, Nico, but I need to lose weight or the band will be a joke..." Nico puts his arms around her, slides his hands over her buttocks, "Bill is an asshole, don't listen to him, Jackie. You can have as many personal trainers as you want, if that's what you want to do. But I think you're beautiful, I love the way you look," he says softly, kissing her neck.

His kisses, full of fire & passion, always sweep her off her feet. Whatever he says, Jackie is determined to lose enough weight to look good in a wedding dress as soon as possible, so she can finally start doing this family thing properly. She's not going to mess this up, no matter what.


Jackie & Nico's 'buyable baby' is from Sim Logical. It stays a baby until you choose to turn it into a child. You select gender & skintone. The child takes on personality & interests of the Sims who care for it while it's a baby. The social worker will not come & take away the baby if you neglect it.
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