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Hollywood Hills: Lot 3. Superstar Mansion located in the Hollywood Hills with hillside landscaping & a special house for the housekeeper.
This is another of my Livin it up houses that I re-furnished for this site. Well, originally, this lot was the photo studio & home of Gregg Hills, celebrity photographer, but I've decided to move his studio into another lot & to move Estelle, pop diva, into the version of that house I made for Livin it up. I changed the wallpapers & floors in some places & added no-burn fireplaces by Sim Logical. (they don't cause things placed near them to catch fire.)
Exterior: flowers by Travels with Buddha, purple patio set by Cravze at Livin it up, purple easel by Mhari at Livin it up. Door & windows also by Livin it up. Fountain & hottub on balcony by Parsimonious. Fountain by pool by Beewitched.

All the curtains can be set to 'backless' or 'transparent backs' or 'go down with walls' Here they are in default fully visible mode. The hack is by Sim Logical: I'm using recolors from Lost Sims.

First Floor. Parlor with rehearsal area, kitchen, dining room, den, bathroom.

Second floor: Bedroom, large spa bathroom, large dressing room, 2 balconies.
Black couches & end table by The Well Dressed Sim, keyboard, microphone, gold records & lamps by Around the Sims, parlor floor by Livin it up, kitchen wall & floor by Glitterpixie Sim Decor yahoo group. Kitchen set by The Well Dressed Sim, with deco by Around the Sims.
That one tile purple mat in kitchen is a recolor of a Sim Logical hack that soaks up all puddles on lot as they occur instantly. Recolors are by Mhari at Shiny Sim Things yahoo group.
Den & dining room: Den living room set by Around the Sims, with end table by Parsimonious. The glass table that the game is sitting on is part of the The Well Dressed Sim kitchen set, (the game is by Around the Sims, play for logic like chess, but sits on tables. Comes in an assortment of games.) scatter cushions by Parsimonious. Dining room set by Livin it up, with wall mirrors by Sim Freaks.
NEXT: Hollywood Hills, Floor 2
Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info