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Hollywood Hills: Lot 3. Superstar Mansion located in the Hollywood Hills with hillside landscaping & a special house for the housekeeper.
Second Floor: Bedroom by Secret Sims at The Sims Resource. All curtains in this style on lot at Lost Sims, recolors of Sim Logical curtains you can have closed or open & can choose to have backless, or other graphic options, set all the same with one click. Comes in many colors. Bathroom by Parsimonious, bathroom wall by Glitterpixie Sim Decor yahoo group, bathroom floor by Livin it up. Painting in bathroom by Stacy Gibbs, The Sims Resource. Bathroom windows by The Well Dressed Sim, all other windows by Livin it up.
Dressing Room: Star dressing room set by Around the Sims, Leopard love rug by M&M Needful Things, mirror in hallway by Sim Freaks, lighting by Around the Sims.
Housekeeping: "Space saving" set by Sim Logical features a foldaway bed, and a fold out desk with a chair that only comes out when it's needed & takes up no space when it's not. The housekeeper is able to live in this small shed with the aid of this set, which includes dresser, bookcase, foldaway desk & chair, foldaway bed & end table shelf units & the corner unit. Plus, I can still fit in the Around the Sims laundry machines & ironing board, and the canning station, too. The green vase is by C&C Enterprises, it is part of a system for growing flowers you can cut & display in vases like this....I have placed the plots for growing & have the vase ready, but need to set up the florist shop to buy the seeds. But even the vase alone is a nice addition to the room!...the decorative baskets in the corner unit are by Around the Sims.
Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info