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The dressing room here is teeming with crew members, she's not going to get any alone time with Gavin here. Astrid practices her lines & ponders her next move.

Alison has Gavin occupied: Astrid knows she would prefer to be working with a seasoned actor, but since she's inherited this project, she's devoted herself to making Gavin a star. So Astrid spends some time with Shay. Being friendly to both of them will help Astrid get between them.

Model/actress Jade has a small role in this film, as Nada, the human lover Dream condemned to Hell for rejecting him. When Alison turns to deal with this new arrival on the set, Gavin immediately turns to Shay.

Even Gavin can't keep Shay's attention when Jade turns to the costume designer. The actress is here to be fitted, and Shay is just gushing to meet her. Jade is the only person involved in this picture with any kind of name, Byron kept to his intention of using only unknowns. Astrid starts to move toward Gavin, but some guy from the crew picks that moment to gush at her that he's a huge 'Sandman' fan, Death is his favorite character & that Astrid is utterly perfect in the role. Astrid can usually be pretty nasty to below the line types like him, but it's the first time she's been approached by a 'fan'.

Alison tells the crew they have 2 minutes to be back on set, Jade goes to prepare for her fitting & Shay starts to follow, but pauses to have a moment with Gavin. Astrid decides to make the moment hers. "You've been doing such a great job, Gavi, I'm so proud of you," she says, stroking his hair. His arm instincively comes around her waist. He's the most easily manipulated man she's ever been with.

By now Shay has been stopped dead in her tracks. Astrid pulls herself in & kisses Gavin, quickly, not passionately, just her lips touching his, so briefly it's almost she was never there at all. "Good luck," she breathes, and turns & heads back on set, not looking back. Alison calls out for everyone to get back to work.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info