Simlogical Classic Sims 2 Institutions

 All objects on this page are standalone and do not contain overrides

This is a set of objects that will help you run a functioning school for children and teens on a residential zoned lot.   You will need at least one resident Sim just to keep the lot accessible.   The objects on the main Institutions page will also help with the school.

Rickzoe kindly wrote a guide for setting up your school: simlogical tut for School System rz.doc or simlogical tut for School System rz.htm

And one with an idea for making an orphanage simlogical tut for Orphanage.doc or simlogical tut for Orphanage.htm


Use only one of these on each lot.

Makes pupils who have a token assigned appear and become selectable when you choose to start school, and become unselectable when you end school for the day.   To make a boarding school, simply don’t end school for several days.   But better still, move the pupils in properly which frees up space at home for your family Sims to have more babies.

You can assign a School Principal with this token.  The Principal may enter any classroom.   Any teacher already assigned to a class will also be teleported in when school starts.

The rules section of the menu works together with various institutional objects and patches – for example with the specially hacked beds to send the pupils to bed at a reasonable time, or with the No Fighting patch to optionally allow or disallow fighting.  If you accidentally set a rule and you do not have the relevant object or patch to make use of it, no harm will be done, it will just have no effect.


Use as many of these as you need for the pupils.

Menu offers children and teens from the neighbourhood.  Pupil appears by token during enrolment process in order to set his or her picture on the token.   Normally when starting a school day they would appear assembled near the bell.  After enrolling pupil, the option to Expel becomes available.

You can assign each pupil to a Class 1-4 (NB this means the school year or form, not lesson or classroom).  They start off in Class 0 and unless you assign them a proper class they can only participate in lessons for “All pupils”


Use only one of these per classroom.  You can have as many classrooms as you like.

Pre-set a class – NB this means the school year or form, not lesson or classroom – (1-4) and a Subject (so far only gradework and general classroom period where they just have to be in the classroom doing anything – more subjects coming later).  Select a teacher from any adult or elder Sim on the lot at the time.  You can then either start that class manually, and the pupils and teacher are called to the classroom, or you can use the Timetable feature to set that lesson for one of 10 periods during the week.   Change the Pre-set and you can timetable in the same lesson for a different group of children, or a different subject etc, for all the various time slots.

Teachers can only go into classrooms they are a teacher of.  Children cannot leave the classroom during lessons, unless the player sends them to do something.  Morning period is 9am-12noon, afternoon 2pm-5pm.    If the lessons were any shorter the Sims would have only just made it to the classroom before it ended.  You know how Sims are; 45mins to blow their nose!

The Home Room feature means you can choose a class who have access to the classroom at all times a teaching session is not taking place for another class.


Place with the green arrow pointing into the classroom.  This keeps in pupils who are meant to be in a lesson, and keeps out those who are not.  A pupil may go through the door if the player instructs them to go and do something (such as going to the toilet).  Works in conjunction with the classroom controller.


Use as many of these as you like anywhere

Has an option to call all pupils into a room, and one to wake up all sleeping Sims.


This is NOT the same as the homework table.  This is a completely separate object to work with the classroom controller.

When you start a gradework lesson for a class, a book is generated on top of each table, for as many pupils as there are in the class.  They will be automatically called to study and woken up if necessary.

The teacher has some power over how well the children study.  For example, you must have the teacher selected before you can tell a straying child to come back to his workbook.   If teacher leaves the room, most of the kids will jump up and play.  They tend to take a while to settle down to work in any case and during that time the teacher will have to keep calling them back to their desks.  Some teachers will do this more autonomously than others.   Don’t have your teachers too high in fun, or the kids will sense they can mess about – alternative to the tableAn alternative for the table which can be placed on any other dining table or dining table clone of your choice.  It is an invisible placemat with a visible pencil so you can see where it is.  This has the SAME GUID as the table so you must choose EITHER the table OR the placemat to have in your downloads folder, and delete the other file.  Recolourable.
To stop the school bus coming for your children, thinking this is a normal home lot, you need this institution sign.
UNIFORM SETTERA painting (or you can clone it and give it a new mesh) which allows you to set a uniform for the children in your school.  Each painting is associated with one school uniform template.  Click here for instructions for making a new Setter and Template pair.
ijUniformSet_Private.zipContains Setter and Template set up to use the Private School uniform.
ijUniformSet_Grey.zipContains Setter and Template set up to use my own recolours of the Private School uniform, which are included in zip.


How to use:The setter has a menu.  You can “Start Auto” or “Stop Auto”.  Auto mode means it looks for a school controller, and if the school is in session, the uniform setting changes all children and teens on the lot into school uniform provided they are 1) selectable (so it doesn’t accidentally catch the papergirl), 2) wearing “normal” clothes not outdoor or swimming etc.  Every 5 sim minutes it checks round the lot again for sims that need changing.   If you have a boarding school and wish to keep the school in session over weekends while allowing the children to wear their own clothes, simply turn off auto mode at weekends.

“Force into Uniform”.  This changes all children and teens into uniform as long as they are selectable.  It takes no notice whether the school is in session or not, or what the child is already wearing.   Children may be in the swimming pool and this will still put uniform on them.

“Force out of Uniform”.  This changes all children and teens who are wearing uniform into their casual clothes.  Does not test for selectable, so that it can still work after school has ended.  NB If any teens are dressed ready to go to work, this will change them too.

You may have any number of Setters on the lot at one time (although you would not want more than one on auto at any one time!).  This means you can create a Summer and a Winter uniform for your school.

This item will be found in your catalogue under Misc/Misc


Here is a collection I set up to contain  the school objects.  I recommend you keep it with all the other things in your school folder in Downloads; it does not need to be placed in Collections in order for the game to find it.   The latest stuff has not been added, but you can easily add them yourself.


Sims 2 Prison

 All objects on this page are standalone and do not contain overrides

On this page there is a whole collection of controllers and other objects to help you run a prison for your Sims.  There are cell doors that can let the prisoners in and out, and stuff for their cells that only the cellmates can use.

The description of each object on this page should explain how to use them, and further down the page there is an overview of how to start your prison

Click on picture to download:

CORE OBJECTSClick or to download a zipfile containing all the objects you *must* have in order to run a prison.  I recommend that you always keep them in a subfolder together, so that you are less likely to accidentally delete one of them.

(This file contains new globals but nothing that overwrites Maxis code)

The core objects comprise the items described below:

MAIN PRISON CONTROLLERThe Main Controller enables you to lock prisoners in or out of their cells at any time, and you may also set up to 6 automatic timed lockins or lockouts. Read how to use automation.  Central locking is effected by the Main Controller communicating with each of the Prisoner Tokens – those which have not been set to “Opt out” of central locking.

The effect of the available security settings is:

  • Lock in = Prisoner is called to their cell, interrupting anything else they were in the middle of.  Then then have to remain in.
  • Keep in = Prisoner is not called to the cell, but once they are there they cannot get out again
  • Lock out = Prisoner is sent from the cell to assemble by the main controller.  Then they have to remain out.
  • Keep out = Prisoner is not sent out of the cell, but once they leave it they cannot get back in.
  • Free access = Prisoner may come and go from their cell as they please.

The emergency options will make the cell and area doors temporarily ignore the tokens to lock all sims in or let them all out.

PRISONER TOKEN Updated 24th December 2005 to allow users to edit Prisoner Token to make escaping harder or impossible.The Token allows you to define a Sim as a prisoner using its Sentence option.  The Sim is then moved in as a resident if they are not already, and their previous family number is stored so they can go home when they are released.   The Sim will expect to appear either near the token or under the Prisoner Assembly point – sentencing will fail if there is no space in the right place.   After a few seconds, the prisoner’s mugshot will appear on the token so you will know whose it is easily.

You can use the menu on this to lock its prisoner in or out of their cell, or leave it to the central controller to do the job on all cells at once. Any token may “Opt out” of central control if you wish to treat its prisoner differently from the others.  Security menu options are as for the Main Prison Controller above.  You can also medicate your prisoner if they are having trouble sleeping. includes an in-cell meal, which is cloned from the instant meal.  It will appear on the floor in the prisoners’ cell when you select “Feed Prisoner” from the Token or the Main Controller’s menu.  It has also been modified so that it is cleared by washing up, instead of being thrown in a bin, as this is more convenient in a prison situation.

To customise escaping: Open ijPrisonerToken.package with SimPe.  Open the BCON resource inside the package.  Make the first value higher for harder escapes or lower for easier escapes.  Make it ‘0’ to stop escapes altogether.  This will stop all escape planning and cell searches.   The second value is how many keys they need to accumulate in order to escape into thin air without having to walk out.  The higher the number the more keys they need to save up.  ‘0’ means no thin air escapes allowed.


Sims 2 Institutional Stuff

Some stuff that will work with the Prison set or the School set, and in some cases just help the appearance of a non-hacked institution.


Institutional servery, with meshes by Atavera

You can open or close it from its menu without the Sims having to go over to it.  Instead of the turkey and gelatin, it serves revolting plates of mush.   To find out how to set it, read AutomationHowTo.htm

There is also an option which will appear only on lots with a prison or school controller to make it so that only prisoners or pupils may eat from it.

INSTITUTIONAL DOOR (no behaviour modifications)

Not hacked.  Matches School or Prison hacked doors.

BUNKS and BED (no globals)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of packages has changed so please DELETE any files beginning ijMetalPrison* before installing these

Typical British institutional bunk beds. The top mattress is in the catalogue separately. Sims cannot get under the bedclothes of the top bunk and the animations isn’t quite right so they appear to get into the bottom and then float up

These understand the school and the prison controllers.

School: In a school they detect school rules set on the bell about jumping on beds, and reading in bed.  When “Regard bedtimes” is set on the school bell, children will be highly attracted to go to bed at about 8pm, and teens at 10pm, and to go back to bed if they should wake in the night – regardless of energy level.  When there is a pupil token in the room, the bed is restricted to use only by pupils with their token in the room.  This provides the feature of being able to pre-assign pupils to particular dormitories.

Prison: When in a prison, they disallow reading in bed when you have the appropriate patch installed.  They are only allowed to be used by prisoners.   When there is a prisoner token in the room, the bed is restricted to use only by prisoners with their token in the room.

Mesh by Atavera – mesh included in package.

PINE BED (no globals)

Same behaviour metal bed above, but a different model.  Uses Maxis mesh already in game.

PATCHESSome global and semi-global patches to change behaviour that looks weird in institutions.   I have made several small patches rather than one big one so you can choose and also avoid using ones that will clash with other favourite hacks.
NO FIGHTING (global replacement)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of package has changed so please DELETE ijPrisonNoFightStaffPatch.package before installing this

On prison lots, prisoners will not initiate violence towards staff, and staff will not initiate violence at all (unless no one is watching – don’t put vulnerable prisoners in single cells!)

On school lots, patch will respect setting under Rules on School Bell.  This does not affect poking and shoving, just attack.

NO SMUGGLED TOYS (global replacement)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of package has changed so please DELETE ijPrisonNoSmuggledToys.package before installing this

Updated 17th Dec 2005 to include lighters used to set off sprinklers

On prison lots, Sims cannot play games that would involve having some accessory up their sleeves, such as kicky bag or water balloons.  Let me know if I have forgotten anything.

On school lots, patch will respect pillowfighting rule set on the School Bell.  Other activities not yet hacked for school.

NO READING IN BED (global replacement)

On prison lots, Sims cannot read in bed.   This is similar in theory to No Smuggled Toys – the prisoner won’t necessarily be able to keep his own reading material in the cell.   I kept this separate because I can predict that some people who don’t want them pillow fighting will still be happy to have them lie on their beds and read.   Later I might update this so that the player can set a flag on the prisoner’s token to say if any particular prisoner can have this right.

On school lots, the test is on the hacked school beds themselves, and regards the setting on the School Bell.  You do not need this patch at all if you only wish to prevent reading in bed in the school.

NO STINK COMMENTS (global replacement)

This works with the school bell to stop people being rude about each other’s odour.

NO PUDDLE SPLASHING (global replacement)

This works with the school bell to stop people splashing in puddles

NO ESCAPES PATCH (contains replacement globals) (contains replacement globals)

If you put one of those Prisoner Tags (the grey CD rom) from the prison page in a Sim’s inventory, this patch is meant to check for that and not choose the Sim to be a game-generated visitor to other lots.  This patch will almost certainly clash with any other patch to select or ban other sims from lots.  TwoJeffs has incorporated this into his Visitor Controller so that you can use that instead and have all the extra benefits it brings.

Sims 2 Institution Sign

NO JOB OR SCHOOL – IMPROVED FOR FREETIME (please look further down the page for older versions)

This hack is so that you can stop all processing to do with jobs or schools (no bus, no carpool, no warnings, no grade drops) on lots where the object is placed.

As from the Freetime version, the sign now has a menu so its effect can be turned on and off, and it can have its appearance changed to a hydrangea shrub so that it will fit in with a home lot.  It is no longer just an institution sign!  The patches are also in seperate packages from the sign object itself so that you can choose your exact combination to suit your game.

This hack suite is for three situations.

  1. You have a residential lot you are playing as a school or prison or some other institution and you don’t want the school bus or car pool turning up and taking some sims away.
  2. You have a normal family home, but occasionally you would like them to all have one or more days off at the same time.
  3. You like to make non-resident sims selectable sometimes (eg with my meeting controllers or teleporter) but you don’t want these sims being collected for school or work along with the actual family members.  If this is the only feature you want, you only need the patches, you don’t need the sign. (no overrides)

updated 10th November 2008 to improve mapping for recolours (legs only affected)

See below for decorative-only sign

This is the file containing the object itself.  It should be placed on any lot where you sometimes want to stop the car pool or school bus coming.  It has two alternative 3D meshes, so it can appear as an institutional looking sign board, or you can use its menu to toggle the model to a shrub, to use it on home lots.  This file alone contains no global overrides so may be used as a purely decorative object if you don’t want the patches.

When you first place this object, it will be automatically set to stop job and school car pools and processing if you have the appropriate patches.  A menu option allows job and school carpools and processing to go back to normal.   To make it actually work to stop school and job processing, you also need one or more of the patches listed below.  Each one will likely clash with other non-Simlogical hacks, so you have to choose the combination that will cause you least problems with your favourite hacks.  I list the known clashes, and perhaps you could let me know any others you discover


You can choose to have one of the job patches, or one of the school patches, or one of each.

JOB If you want the hack to affect sims going to work, choose ONE of the following. (contains game overrides) (contains game overrides)
  • Advantage – Allows your sim to use car to go to work if you tell him to even when the sign says no work. (contains game overrides) (contains game overrides)
  • Disadvantage – Cannot even drive to work when sign set to no work
  • Disadvantage – Clashes with InTeenimator

SCHOOL If you want the hack to affect sims going to school (children and teens), choose ONE of the following. (contains game overrides) (contains game overrides)
  • Advantage – Allows kids to be driven to school if you want them to even when the sign says no school.
  • Disadvantage – Clashes with TwoJeffs’ school bus bring friend hack
  • Disadvantage – Clashes with Pescado’s AL “Alfixes.package” (contains game overrides) (contains game overrides)
  • Disadvantage – Cannot even drive to school when sign set to no school
  • Disadvantage – Clashes with Poiple_SummerVacation.package, but this sign and patch can be used to give summer vacations anyway so you shouldn’t need any additional vacation hack.
  • Advantage – doesn’t clash with the most popular hacks.
Users are encouraged to report any more advantages, disadvantages or clashes to me in the forum.

Requires original sign to be in your Downloads, as this is uses the same recolours.

These have the sign as well as the patches for school and work processing bundled into one .package fileNB All versions below clash with TwoJeff’s School Bus Hack.  You cannot have both hacks in your downloads at the same time. (contains replacement globals) (contains replacement globals) (contains replacement globals) (contains replacement globals)   (contains replacement globals)

Institutional servery, with meshes by Atavera

You can open or close it from its menu without the Sims having to go over to it.  Instead of the turkey and gelatin, it serves revolting plates of mush.   To find out how to set it, read AutomationHowTo.htm

There is also an option which will appear only on lots with a prison or school controller to make it so that only prisoners or pupils may eat from it.

INSTITUTIONAL DOOR (no behaviour modifications)

Not hacked.  Matches School or Prison hacked doors.

BUNKS and BED (no globals)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of packages has changed so please DELETE any files beginning ijMetalPrison* before installing these

Typical British institutional bunk beds. The top mattress is in the catalogue separately. Sims cannot get under the bedclothes of the top bunk and the animations isn’t quite right so they appear to get into the bottom and then float up

These understand the school and the prison controllers.

School: In a school they detect school rules set on the bell about jumping on beds, and reading in bed.  When “Regard bedtimes” is set on the school bell, children will be highly attracted to go to bed at about 8pm, and teens at 10pm, and to go back to bed if they should wake in the night – regardless of energy level.  When there is a pupil token in the room, the bed is restricted to use only by pupils with their token in the room.  This provides the feature of being able to pre-assign pupils to particular dormitories.

Prison: When in a prison, they disallow reading in bed when you have the appropriate patch installed.  They are only allowed to be used by prisoners.   When there is a prisoner token in the room, the bed is restricted to use only by prisoners with their token in the room.

Mesh by Atavera – mesh included in package.

PINE BED (no globals)

Same behaviour metal bed above, but a different model.  Uses Maxis mesh already in game.

PATCHESSome global and semi-global patches to change behaviour that looks weird in institutions.   I have made several small patches rather than one big one so you can choose and also avoid using ones that will clash with other favourite hacks.
NO FIGHTING (global replacement)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of package has changed so please DELETE ijPrisonNoFightStaffPatch.package before installing this

On prison lots, prisoners will not initiate violence towards staff, and staff will not initiate violence at all (unless no one is watching – don’t put vulnerable prisoners in single cells!)

On school lots, patch will respect setting under Rules on School Bell.  This does not affect poking and shoving, just attack.

NO SMUGGLED TOYS (global replacement)

Updated 16th Feb 2006 to include school use.  Name of package has changed so please DELETE ijPrisonNoSmuggledToys.package before installing this

Updated 17th Dec 2005 to include lighters used to set off sprinklers

On prison lots, Sims cannot play games that would involve having some accessory up their sleeves, such as kicky bag or water balloons.  Let me know if I have forgotten anything.

On school lots, patch will respect pillowfighting rule set on the School Bell.  Other activities not yet hacked for school.

NO READING IN BED (global replacement)

On prison lots, Sims cannot read in bed.   This is similar in theory to No Smuggled Toys – the prisoner won’t necessarily be able to keep his own reading material in the cell.   I kept this separate because I can predict that some people who don’t want them pillow fighting will still be happy to have them lie on their beds and read.   Later I might update this so that the player can set a flag on the prisoner’s token to say if any particular prisoner can have this right.

On school lots, the test is on the hacked school beds themselves, and regards the setting on the School Bell.  You do not need this patch at all if you only wish to prevent reading in bed in the school.

NO STINK COMMENTS (global replacement)

This works with the school bell to stop people being rude about each other’s odour.

NO PUDDLE SPLASHING (global replacement)

This works with the school bell to stop people splashing in puddles

NO ESCAPES PATCH (contains replacement globals) (contains replacement globals)

If you put one of those Prisoner Tags (the grey CD rom) from the prison page in a Sim’s inventory, this patch is meant to check for that and not choose the Sim to be a game-generated visitor to other lots.  This patch will almost certainly clash with any other patch to select or ban other sims from lots.  TwoJeffs has incorporated this into his Visitor Controller so that you can use that instead and have all the extra benefits it brings.


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