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Venice Beach DT: Lot 29. Tiki style beach party lot.
Beach features skydiving, campfire & grills, beach blankets. (I am using invisible counters that can be placed on the same tile as other objects by Sim Logical, placed on the barrel end tables by the grills, so Sims will put their hamburgers on the barrels.
"Island Breeze" patio set by Beewitched. It's a donation set, but she has similar free sets on her site. Litter & outdoor signage by Sim Gypsy.
1st Floor: Tiki Wear surf shop, Spa & Concession stands.
2nd Floor: Tiki Bar with dance floor on balcony.
Tiki Wear shop by Well Dressed Sim, Walls & Floors by Deviant Sim.
Orangina "mood booster" by Around the Sims, Tiki vending machine by 7 Deadly Sims.
Tiki spa baths & oxygen bar, Tiki concession stands (espresso, pastry, smoothie & sushi) by Miss Mokie, SimpleMinded & yahoo group. Wood spa steamers by Well Dressed Sim.
Paintings & plants by Parsimonious. Tile walls & floors by Deviant Sim.
Tiki Bar set by Well Dressed Sim. Karaoke stage, darts by Simple Minded..
Blue candles (on the back bar counters) by Blue Star Sims Attic (yahoo group), zen bowl candles by Parsimonious.
Tiki DJ booth with custom NPC, speakers & dance cages by Job 2 Sims. Tiki dance floor by 7 Deadly Sims (I had to categorize it for DT)
Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info