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Pacific Palisades: Lot 54. Mansion built to accommodate the Superstar Lifestyle.
I used the "Pacific Palisades" lot I made for Livin it up. for this house. That version is identical to this on the first floor, except I added a black Mustang from the Autos section at Livin it up and a dog bath to the garage. The second floor has a Maxis furnished spa & bathrooms & unfurnished bedrooms on the Livin it up. version: I'm using spa & bathroom items from Parsimonious & Beewitched (and the Maxis massage table & exercise machine) in this version & of course I furnished the bedrooms. And I added Mhari's star shaped windows, from Livin it up.

First Floor: kitchen, dining room, parlor & office. Garage.

Second Floor. Spa & gym with scuba tank on balcony. Master bed & bath & second bedroom is made into a studio..

Photo studio camera & back drp by Sim Freaks, Dressing room set by Around the Sims.

Kitchen: Sleek kitchen set by Lachelle at Livin it up. Floor & doors & windows also at Livin it up.
Parlor & Dining Room: Gray Marble study set by Cravze at Livin it up

Pet bed by Around the Sims.
Writing set on desk by Around the Sims.
Bedroom. Bed, end table, lighting & toothbrush sets by Around the Sims, mirror & chair at The Sims Resource, bathroom by Parsimonious. Walls & closet (dresser) by Livin it up.

Spa: Spa set by Parsimonious with hot tub by Beewitched (donation set item, but she has others like it) Walls & floors by Livin it up.

Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info