Meet the Sims & read the stories
Tour Sim L.A.
Outtakes, Links, Award and Contact info
Lots by Calisims available at:
Calisims Yahoo group
California Simmin' would not be possible without the awesome, talented creators of all the Sim objects & skins, walls & floors that are to be found all over the web. Please refer to the lot screenshot galleries in the Real Estate section for individual object credits. Some sites are free sites, some are pay & in some cases I use donation files from otherwise free sites. I cannot distribute files, please don't request them.
Around the Sims GB Fashions yahoo group
Sim Logical Deviant Sim The Well Dressed Sim
Parsimonious Beewitched Sim Gypsy
Nightime Sims Juniper Sun
M&M Needful Things The Sims Resource
Candace's Sim Bazaar Killer Sims
Alice Fashion C&C Enterprises Sim Freaks
Sim Slice 7 Deadly Sims Ophelia's
Persimmon Grove
Laphelot's Sim's Solutions (yahoo group: hacked items) Lost Sims Jaylee's Sims
Sims Addiction Sim Witch
Simpleminded (yahoo group) Active Sim Links (links to Sim sites) Pickle Sims
Madoria's World Sims Poster Shop yahoo group
Jendea Simtecture Cheap Frills Shiny Sim Things yahoo group
Travels with Buddha Blue Star Sims Attic yahoo group
Blue Star Sims yahoo group Gardening Sims
SIMcredible SIMagination Dincer Hepguler
Sim City Gallery Chai Sims (yahoo group)
Fashion Show Annie's Sim Page Colorized Sims
Treasured Realms
Channel Sim
Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info