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Bill still has promotional work for Nico to do in support of his song, but now Andrea isn't Jackie's only company: Jackie suggested Nico get Bill to introduce the young man to some models at the party, but she hadn't counted on one hanging about her house all the time, pursuing Nico's brother. Jackie doesn't know whether Debbie is really interested in all the sports talk, or if she just fakes it real well, but Jackie herself can only take so much of it....

Nico has told Jackie that he doesn't trust Debbie: he's gotten it into his head she's a gold digger. Jackie doubts that herself, Andrea doesn't have anything solid to dig for, just a famous relative. Debbie herself probably makes more than Jackie or Nico, and while Jackie knows nothing really about the modeling profession, she knows they don't have to pay for video production out of their own record sales. Debbie does seem very keen on being 'in' with Andrea's family, though, and Jackie finds herself dragged along on a shopping spree with the supermodel when she mentions needing a gown for an award show she & Nico have to present at.

One thing Debbie & Andrea definitely share is a tight work out schedule, and the tight bodies to show for it.

Jackie thought she was getting into pretty good shape, working out with Andrea, but now is a bit embarassed to come out in her lingerie in front of a woman who is fit & beautiful by profession.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info