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The men finish eating, but continue fighting.

She doesn't understand any of what they are saying, except she hears Andrea speak her name. Are they fighting about her? Why?

Though she is unable to understand what they are arguing about, Jackie stands in the kitchen & listens, and hears the threat in Andrea's voice.

At that she decides to go in & demand to know what is going on. But Trill chooses that moment to wake up & start crying, so Jackie heads upstairs to look after her daughter. As soon as she gets Nico alone for a second, she's going to find out what this is all about.

Nico is out alone on the beach when Jackie is finished with Trill, so she joins him there. "Jacklyn," Nico sighs, taking her face in his hands her before she can confront him, "Let's get married here, on this beach," he says. It's a beautiful idea, very romantic...but Jackie isn't going to be sidetracked. "Nico, what were you & Andrea fighting about? What happened last night?" she demands. "Nothing," Nico answers with a sigh, "We worked it out, it's okay." Jackie bites her lip, and says, "Nicolas, I need to know what your brother is so upset about, I heard him say my name, I want to know why you're fighting about me," Nico shakes his head, "We weren't fighting about you, Andrea just thinks he has to protect you, that's all," he says. "Protect me from what, Nico? You're not making any sense," Jackie says, more lost for his explanation. Nico tosses his hair & breathes deeply, "It doesn't matter now, Jackie, okay? It's taken care of," he says, a little irritated.

Jackie decides to let it go: if the brothers settled their argument, she doesn't want to waste the precious time she has with Nico arguing about his family relations. When he folds his arms around her, runs his hands through her hair, nothing else matters.

He's home tonight, and he tells her he'll be home early tomorrow & wants to go out, just the two of them. Jackie almost cries, she's so happy at the thought of going on a 'date'.

He takes her into their bedroom & makes love to her like never before. All the working out has really paid off, Jackie thinks.


Meet the Characters & Read the Stories. Stories are for Mature readers, and may contain content not suitable to children under 16 or more sensitive readers. Tour Sim L.A.: visit the lot screenshot galleries, get links to objects sites. (Lots available for download at calisims yahoo group) All the Misc. stuff: Out-takes section, Links, Calisims award, Contact info