Residence: Marina del Rey (formerly, Echo Park)
Get the fully furnished verson of Justin & Eleanor's house in Marina del Rey at Deviant Sim, in the Adult Real Estate section (sims 1)
Unfurnished version of Justin's & Eleanor's home avalaible at calisims yahoo group.
Eleanor: Eleanor was born to wealth & privilege, the daughter of a Pulitzer prize winning poet & the Nobel prize winning physicist. Against her parents' wishes, she chose to go to an L.A. art school (Otis Parsons School of Design) rather than to their own Harvard. But her parents reluctantly supported her decsion until her mother discovered that Eleanor had taken up with her 'low class' neighbor, Justin. |
Eleanor's Relationships: Eleanor is a girl with strange tastes & inclinations. She decided early on that 'normal' relationships weren't for her & has stated many times she intended to remain a virgin all her life. Her most important relationship was being carried on via internet, with stranger in a chat room who called himself 'Stalker'. From the time she moved into the guest cottage of the Echo Park property, her neighbor Justin has openly pursued her, despite her repeated insistence that she would never date, never have sex, never get involved with all that. But something happened at one of their parties that would change her mind about Justin, and they have been a peculiar but happy couple ever since. Eleanor's best friend is Xtina, her former classmate. Her roommate is Kira & her neighbors are Justin, Gavin, Zach & Diego. She is currently employed by Mercedes Arthag. |