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Culver City Apts: Lot 59. One two bedroom unit on first floor, one one bedroom unit on second floor & one one bedroom loft apartment. This building was built by Sotalia, the authoress of "St. Simdrews" episodes on the Television Sims Sim story site. She based it on her own apt building in real life, and it's a great building! I repainted it, furnished it & set it up for apartments & I added the pool, patio & laundry & weight rooms, as well as my favorite flowers, Mhari's violets from Livin-it-up.
This building is equipped with the Sim Logical Apartment system hacks, which makes the residents of each apartment stop trying to use the objects in the other Sims' units.The system consists of necessary Apartment tokens, which must be placed in each room & assigned an apt #, and a master controller, which you use to set the restrictions on the apts, and also toggles your apt tokens to visible/invisible. Then you choose from among the different objects hacked to work with the system: things like plumbing & appliances & fun objects like TVs & computers are 'attractive' to Sims, the apartment hacked versions of these items will only attract & be available to the Sims you have assigned to the apt token that is in the same room. |
Exterior: Hollywood Missy stucco walls & matching floors by Butter, Deviant Sim. Butter's Roxbury (purple) is on the main building, combined with a realistic stone wallpaper by Northern Kat of Livin it up. The Laundry room is in 'Melrose' and the weight room is 'Oceanside'. Windows & railings at Livin it up, yellow apt. hacked doors by Blue Star Sims in the City yahoo group. Violets by Livin it up, lilac bush hedges by Travels with Buddha. |
First Floor. Apt 1 is the loft, with green walls, Apt 2 is the two bedroom, in yellow & bright pink.
Laundry room by Around the Sims, includes a 'Lipton' soda machine. Weight room has an Orangina 'mood booster' by Around the Sims that is a green up. Patio set & outdoor chess set by Livin it up.
Second floor: Apt 3 is purple & blue, it is one bedroom. Apt 1 is on both stories, it's a loft. There is an invisible NPC only door connecting Apt 1 & 3, you can see a door gap between the dining area of Apt 3 & the bathroom of Apt 1. Only NPCs like the maid can use this door & when the wall is up, it is invisible, you just see the wall. As you can see, I have hung a painting over it: the maid walks right through. This saves her from walking around the building to clean each apt. Door from Sim Logical. There is another NPC only door connecting Apt 1 & 2 on the first floor, in the wall between the 1/2 bath in Apt 1 and the dressing area of the bright pink bedroom. |
Apt 1: Apt 1 is a loft, and is rented by Ruben, a film production assisstant. The first floor has kitchen, living room & 1/2 bath. Kitchen counters are by Madoria's World, the fridge & diswasher are apt hacks by Sim Logical. The TV & the stack of books are also Sim Logical hacks for Apts. Walls & floors by Deviant Sim. |
Apt 1: Blue marble apartment hacked bathroom by Madoria's World. The computer & boom box are apartment hacked by Sim Logical, the guitar is hacked so only Ruben can play it & no one can hear him play unless they are already in the room. Lighting & movie poster by Around the Sims, desk & shelves by Beewitched, dresser by Sim Logical, chair byLivin it up, bed by BNJ x LVR. |
Apt 2 Bedroom: Apt 2 has 2 bedrooms & is rented by Luz & Dione, activists. Bedroom sets by Livin it up, kitchen, bathroom & livingroom sets apartment hacked by Madoria's World. Pink Plushie & Etherette chair recolors, and all walls & floors at Deviant Sim. Blue elephant end table is a hack at Livin it up that removes flies & roaches. |
Celestial tapestries by Candace's Sim Bazaar, Mandalas by Juniper Sun, Peace poster by Sims Poster Shop yahoo group, mirrors, orange pot, potted plants on balcony by Livin it up. Scatter cushions by Parsimonious. Easel on balcony is apartment hacked by Mhari at Shiny Sim Things yahoo group, featuring botanical paintings. |
Apt 3 is a one bedroom, shared by Nina & Jake, a married couple. The kitchen, living room & bathroom are al apartment hacked by Sim Logical. The glass tables are aprt hacked by Blue Star Sims in the City yahoo group. Bedroom set by Beewitched, pile of clothes dresser by C&C Enterprises, small bath mat is a recolor of a hack by Sim Logical that wipes up all puddles on the lot, recolored by Mhari at Shiny Sim Things yahoo group. Blue rug is by M&M Needful Things: it has adult animations, purple kitchen rug by Livin it up. |
Blue desk chair & white etherette chairs on balcony by Deviant Sim, and all walls & floors. Painting above bed by Fairywitch at The Sims Resource, other paintings at Livin it up & Parsimonious. Large glass vase & scatter cushions at Parsimonious, small blue vase at Beewitched, blue vase on balcony by Livin it up. |
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