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Sims 2 Fake floors/landings

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These "landing" objects allow you to get rid of the warped walls and unlevel floors for the situations when it is important to have your wallpaper and windows undisturbed. They allow your sim to assume there is some floor he can walk on, even when you have levelled the floor back down and removed the floor tiles that are visually at the wrong level.  Please note, at each fake landing your sim will briefly drop to the level of the real floor grid before jumping back up and carrying on using the stairs.  You need to weigh up the pros and cons - form.v.function

How to use these items

This zip contains the meshes. The colour with the main mesh is bright green so you will know which one is the mesh and can avoid deleting it accidentally

ijFakefloors.zip    (no globals)

The pack contains two types of object - the landing slab itself, and a set of optional cosmetic infills for underneath if you are using stairs that have stair walls.  These can occupy the same tile as each other.


Here are some recolours: chic, steadfast, deck, country and concrete.


To create your own recolour, use ijFakefloorRepository.package.  A recolour for that will work for all this set of objects.

To make a new set of meshes using the same recolours, copy the file for each of the heights, fix integrity and give it a new GUID.

To make a new object not using the same recolours, clone the repository object in Object Workshop, then make slave objects of your new repository object if you wish, or make them all unrelated objects that need recolouring separately.