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Sims 2 Working Curtains


These curtains and blinds are all modified to open and close.  They can be put on auto, so they open just after 7am and close just after 7pm, or you can use their menu to tell them to stay open all the time or closed all the time. 

Read or download advice on how to choose your base and clone or recolour it.

Click on file link to download:



These curtains were meshed and textured by JWoods, scenegraphed by Numenor, and made to open and close by myself (Inge Jones). 


540 polygons



For shorter windows - floor length

Alternative mesh to ones above.   The mesh is floor length, and you can shorten it by blackening out part of the alpha channel when you make a recolour.   Counter height is marked on the texture as a guide.


540 polygons



For taller windows - floor length

The mesh is floor length, and you can shorten it by blackening out part of the alpha channel when you make a recolour.  Counter height is marked on the texture as a guide.

    Recolour of the mesh for taller windows.  This is made with the same pattern but I adjusted the alpha channel to clear kitchen counters.



74 polygons



The mesh is in two parts, one for the pelmet and one for the drapery.  Both are floor length, and you can shorten and shape them by blackening out part of the alpha channel when you make a recolour.  The drapery can take a grey alpha channel to make nets, but the material for the pelmet is set to only allow black and white alpha channels for shaping (the drapes can bleed through otherwise)


Same as above but two tiles. 

Note: the texture on the 2-tile curtain does not line up exactly with the 1-tile curtain.  I have learnt to in future mesh and UVmap the 1-tile and 2-tile version of curtains at the same time!


14 polygons - yes, fourteen!!!



Made to the same two mesh groups as the curtains above, the difference is that in place of the folded drapes, this has a flat surface to act as a roller blind.  You can use the outer box as a lambrequin of any fancy shape just by using the alpha channel, and make the blind inside go up and down to any height again using its own alpha channel.

I have supplied it with textures suitable for a child's room - remember you can make this floor length and elegant simply by using your paint program.

      Here is a more grownup recolour of this mesh!



Under 60 polygons



This opens and closes as do the curtains above, but the graphics work differently.  In this case there are two textures for the object, but only one mesh, and you make the open and closed state using the alpha channel.  The mesh I made actually reaches the ground, so by simply using your painting program, you can make this accommodate all window heights.  Straight and diagonal package files inside zipfile.

Below are a couple of recolours I have already done.  You will need to download the original jade colour blinds as they have the mesh.

1MMCcolour_gold.zip 1MMCcolour_rust.zip 1MMCcolour_bluestripe.zip