
Gavin's housemates & neighbors decide to have a BBQ. With Byron still being missing, he & Shay have the time. Eleanor makes a point of saying Xtina, Gavin's previous girlfriend, wanted everyone to meet some new boyfriend of hers. Gavin immediately expressed his desire to meet the new guy. On the day of the BBQ, Gavin does get to meet him: he questions him like he's Xtina's father.


It's a BBQ, and Justin grilled the kebabs, so everybody eats. Then Gavin gets up to chat with his ex-girlfriend. Shay listens, trying not to be jealous. The girl just wants to know about the Sandman movie.

Gavin tells her about Byron disappearing. And then he gets that tone in his voice, the low sexy one Shay finds so irresistible, "But the last scene we shot, the one I rehearsed with you, went really well, Xtina. I can't thank you enough, I was afraid I would never get past that scene," he says to his ex-girlfriend. When did he get together with her to rehearse? she wonders. And why didn't he tell her?

Diego chooses that time to chat her up. While he's distracting her, Gavin disappears somewhere. "He's not good enough for you, he doesn't treat you right. He's still half in love with her, and the one before her," Diego tells her. Not only is it rude & unwelcome, but it is so untrue: Gavin treats her like she's the only woman earth, at least until just now...

She spots him, through the trees, he's with the ex-girlfriend, by the stereo. He's hugging her.

Outraged, Shay strides over to find out what is going on & put a stop to it.

Xtina takes off, which is perfectly fine with Shay. "What is it with you & your ex-girlfriends?" she asks him angrily. He's his usual apologetic, charming self, explaining that it was just a friendly hug. "What about rehearsing with her? Are you hanging out with her behind my back?" Shay demands. "No, Shay, she just wanted to talk about her romantic problems, breaking up with that surfer guy she brought to last party. We had a cup of tea & talked & we ended up running through the scene, that's all," he says. Shay shakes her head, "I don't see why you have to be so involved with her still, why she has to talk to you about her problems." Shay wouldn't dream of calling any of her ex-boyfriends for anything. Diego's words echo in he head, he's half in love with the girls from before: he's certainly too involved with them, and there are too many of them around...