During the holidays, a lot of the political & anti-war groups Luz is involved with stopped doing demonstrations & activities. Luz is glad to be back on schedule now that the holidays are over. After her Tuesday shift, she gets her co-worker Greta to give her a massage before she meets Heather to go downtown & resume the weekly protests against Bechtel. After the vigil, Luz has promised to meet Kelly in Santa Monica...she was very suprised by Kelly's call yesterday, and while Luz is definitely not interested in dating her, Kelly said she wanted help finding out about animal rights issues & how she can start a career in that field. Luz's primary interest is in stopping the war machine, but as a vegetarian, she has a special place in her heart for animal rights as well as the human kind & is more than willing to help someone start out on that path.
(oops, it looks like I missed one odd floor tile there, lol)
Since they have some time before they need to be downtown, Heather wants to try on some wedding dresses. It seems like just last month Heather was crying because she saw this guy hugging another girl...now she's going to marry him? Heather tells her it wasn't what she thought, but she doesn't really have any explanation that Luz can find at all credible. "I thought you didn't believe in marriage, anyway," Luz questions her friend. But Heather just smiles her simple but beautiful smile & says it's important to him, and she's sure he's her soulmate, anyway. Luz knows her little crush on Heather is futile, but this is just too painful to contemplate. Luckily, Heather finds the dress she wants quickly & once they're headed to the protest, they can focus on politics.
After the protest, Luz meets Kelly as planned in Santa Monica. Giving her the information she needs is easy, and is done before they even finish their drinks. Luz has worked with lots of people in the animal rights field & is an excellent source of connections.
With that done, Luz moves on to other things. Ever since Alison told her that she'd been seeing Kelly, Luz has been feeling uneasy about the situation. Not wanting to pull the topic out of nowhere, she starts by telling Kelly about shopping with Heather for her wedding dress. She was going to continue by telling Kelly her suspicions about her friend's fiance & then lead that into a discussion about Alison & her love 'em & leave 'em attitude, but Kelly interupts with her own story of how her neighbor is also getting married next month. Her eyes get dreamy as she speaks & Luz has the uneasy feeling Kelly is already head over heels for Alison, and her warning now might be coming too late. So Luz just pops out the question, "How are things with you & Alison?" Kelly tells her they're getting serious & that Alison spends every night at her place. That Luz already figured out...Alison has been even more scarce around the apartment building than she is during shoots.
Luz gives her a gentle warning, explaining that while Alison isn't in the middle of film production, she'll be around, but just wait until the next movie starts shooting....Kelly of course doesn't really believe what Luz is saying.
Luz can't let it go at that. "Listen, Kelly, Alison is the devil. The way she goes through girls...she's worse than a man. You'd be better off dating guys than her. Don't fall in love with her, she's a vampire & she'll suck you dry & leave you bleeding on the road," Luz tells her, hoping that that will be enough, that she won't have to get any more specific than that. It's hard enough just talking about it at all. But Kelly still thinks she's exaggerating. Luz glances at the nosy barmaid eavesdropping on them & decides she's said enough really. She re-asserts her claim that Alison is up to no good, but she doesn't give Kelly any other personal testimony about just how evil Alison is.
But she does tell Kelly to be careful & to call her if she ever needs someone to talk to..knowing Alison, Kelly will be needing serious counseling within weeks.
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