Kelly meets Luz at the beach bar on Santa Monica Pier. Luz is very helpful with the animal rights info & before Kelly can finish her drink, Luz has given her the names & email adresses of several friends of hers who could help Kelly find a good entry level position in the animal rights field. Knowing the right people is helpful in many industries besides "The" Industry.
The conversation turns to romance: Luz tells her how she was just shopping with a friend of hers for a wedding dress. "That's odd," Kelly remarks, "I just bought a computer from my neighbor, because he's unloading all his stuff & selling his condo so he can get married, too. It must be in the air or something." And she thinks of Alison & how much time they are spending together lately.....
"So, how are things with you & Alison?" Luz asks her. Kelly is floored: She didn't think Luz even knew she was seeing Alison....but there's no reason not to tell her, since she knows, so Kelly tells her she & Alison have been getting kind of serious, that Alison stays at her place every night.
Luz looks at her gravely for a moment & then says "She might seem pretty attentive to you now, Kelly, but movie people like her are hard to have relationships with. Once her next shoot starts, you'll hardly see her, if ever." Kelly is dumbstruck...why would Luz say that? "You're exaggerating, Luz," Kelly says, "I know she'll be busy, and I don't expect her to be with me every minute..."
Luz bites her lips & shudders & then says, "Listen, Kelly, Alison is the devil. The way she goes through girls...she's worse than a man. You'd be better off dating guys than her. Don't fall in love with her, she's a vampire & she'll suck you dry & leave you bleeding on the road." Somewhere in that jumbled metaphor was a very strong warning. Kelly can't believe what she's hearing. "Luz, don't say things you don't mean. Alison can't be that bad...." Can she? Alison has been nothing but wonderful to Kelly, except for the occaisional sarcastic remark, anyway. Luz just shakes her head sadly, "She's the devil," she insists. "She has a dark heart & evil intentions..she's the devil."
Speaking of the devil, Kelly remembers she has to get home at a decent hour so Alison can come over. "Just be careful, okay?" Luz urges as she hugs Kelly goodbye, "If you ever need to talk, you can call me." Kelly drives home feeling very shaky & unsure of herself. Why would Luz says things like that about Alison? Luz calls lots of people 'the devil', but they are all high up government types whose names Kelly can't even remember half the time. Luz accuses them of things like war crimes & such atrocities. What could Alison have possibly done to Luz to put her in that category...?