Besides the Magic Castle date, Alison & Kelly spend most of their holiday in Burbank, going from the bedroom to the kitchen and then back into bed. But no vacation lasts forever & soon Byron is back in town & Grok needs Kelly's attentions again. As Kelly kisses Alison goodbye before she heads out to work, she's secretly thinking that she'd like to have a whole new job before Byron's next movie starts production & Alison is working again. While she's alone in Byron's house, Kelly finds some animal rights magazines, and she remembers something Luz said to her once about animal testing & cosmetics. Though Kelly finds Luz's vehemence kind of ridiculous, when she looks at poor weird Grok or her cat Tiger, she thinks it is kind of wrong to torture animals like them just so she can wear mascara. Kelly thinks, if she could get a job in the animal care or animal rights field, that would be far more satisfying than pampering one dog to the point of absurdity on a daily basis.
When she gets home, she runs into her neighbor out in front of their building. A new 'For Sale' has been put up in front of his condo. He tells her he's getting married on Valentine's Day & Kelly immediately gets all sentimental & weepy. She hardly knows this guy, but she can see the joy that warms his eyes when he talks about maybe honeymooning in the mountains, and she can't help but be a little touched. Well, that at least explains why he's never home, Kelly thinks. He tells her he's selling everything & if there is anything she needs.....All Kelly needs is a computer, and he has one for her. He laughs as he tells her his fiancee actually has the very same iBook he has, and even hers is going to be gone soon, because he plans on buying a new iMac for his new step-daughter to do her homework on. Obviously drunk on his own hapiness, he gives Kelly his computer for just a few token simoleons.
After having Alison around for so long, it seems weird to come home to her empty condo. But at least that gives Kelly time to get on the internet & check out the animal care field & animal rights issues. The first thing she learns is that internet searches will spew a lot of info at you & not necessarily what you need. In a little over her head, Kelly decides to call someone who knows. Luz is suprised to hear from Kelly & even more suprised to hear what Kelly wants, to meet & discuss animal rights & how Kelly can get started on a career in that field. Luz agrees to meet her in Santa Monica the next evening & discuss it with her over drinks.
Alison shows up at her door just a few moments later & Kelly is suprised to find herself feeling guilty about making plans to see Luz, though she has no romantic interest at all in her, and even more suprised to hear herself lying to Alison, telling her she'll be running errands tomorrow evening & she can't see Alison until later that night. But Alison doesn't seem to notice Kelly's dishonesty, & promises to call tomorrow night. Of course that's tomorrow....tonight, Alison takes Kelly to dinner & then they come back to Kelly's place.
When she gets home from work the next day, she tells Tiger where she's going as she heads out to meet Luz in Santa Monica. Tiger doesn't say so, but he really doesn't care, he just wants Kelly to move out of the way of his food bowl. And to stop coming home smelling like dog, that kind of hurts his feelings & his sensitive nose.