Jackie wonders if she's going crazy, or if she's been psychotic the whole time & is only noticing it now. She's happy, but she's on edge all the time, like at at any second she will discover it was all a lie...and she's become an emotional mess, anything upsets her, everything brings her tears. When Nico casually mentions he hasn't been to his own apartment for a while, she immediately feels spurned & abandoned, and starts lecturing him about being around for a child she's still not sure she should even have. When he then explains he just wants to get his stuff, his guitar & clothes, before he gets evicted, and tells her he still wants to get married, she feels trapped, like she's locked herself in a cage.
They go to Hollywood & they get Nico's gear & his clothes, and leave his key at the front desk. "I'm all yours," he says to her. Indeed, she thinks wryly, bought & paid for, all mine. And there is the element of their relationship she finds most troubling: she's in love with a man who charms rich women for their money. Only a fool would fall for a man like that....How can you not feel you're being played? Would he be so keen on getting married if she didn't have a house in Malibu that he would suddenly become half owner of?
She struggles with it, fluctuating from being desperately in love to being desperately frightened, from believing Nicolas when he speaks sweet words of love to her, to believing it's all a charade.
"Jacklyn, I asked you this the day you told me your were pregnant, and you still haven't answered," Nicolas says as he reaches into his pocket, "More than anything, I want you to marry me, I want for us to be a real family, and I want you to have this. I know you can buy yourself more expensive jewelry, but this ring belonged to my grandmother, it means a lot to me..." How can she not believe him, when he does something this sweet?
"I love you so much, Nico," she whispers as she falls into his arms. "Will you marry me, then?" he asks again. "Nicolas," she says sobbing as she dredges up the most painful fact of her existence, "When I was a kid, I don't think a day went by where I didn't have to hear how my mother's getting pregnant ruined my parents' lives. I don't want to go through that again, I don't want to get married just because I'm pregnant..."
Nico's first response is physical: he sweeps down on her with one of his deepest kisses, which always leave her breathless & faint. While he holds her & kisses her neck & ears, he speaks quietly & slowly, "Is it ruining your life, Jacklyn? The world is ours: we're in love & we can play our music. And can you imagine the incredible, beautiful child we are going to make?" he asks, "What else do you want, that you don't have? Don't turn this into something ugly. Because this could be really beautiful, if you let it be."
Jackie wants so much to live in a world where this kind of story can be true, that a man like him could really be in love with her, that money & fame have nothing to do with it. But the real world is sordid & unromantic, believing anything else just gets you into trouble..."I need time, Nicolas, I can't give you an answer right now..." she says, nearly choking on her words.
Nico lifts her & carries her over to the beach mats. "It's a beautiful night, Jacklyn," and he hums a tune and dances with her, "I wish you were as happy as I am...," he says, almost singing, keeping his words in tune to their dance, "I'm having the best time of my life, I'm in a great band, I've got this really incredible girl, and we're going to have a baby...." Jackie rests her head on his shoulder while he dances her around, she brushes herself against his bare chest.
Their dance ends as Nicolas dips her down onto the mat. Jackie runs her fingers through his hair. "I am happy, Nico, it's just..." she trails off into a sigh.