
"It's just you don't trust me," he finishes for her, dropping down on top of her, face to face. He smiles teasingly at her, kissing her temple & her neck as he speaks, "When you tell me what I have to do prove myself to you, I'll do it, Jacklyn. Take your time, you don't have to answer me tonight, or tomorrow...I'm not going anywhere. I want you to enjoy what we have together, angel. We play together really well, and we make love beautifully. This should be the best time of your life. It is for me." His face is so beautiful as he looks down at her and his skin is so warm when she touches him: Jackie has wanted him for so long, before she was famous, before he had ever even noticed her..."Nicolas," she says, deciding she must sooner or later say it, "I had such a crush on you, back when we were gigging in the clubs. But you never noticed me, you didn't know I was there half the time. I don't think you would have ever gone out with me if I didn't end up on MTV before you did..."

"Did you really, Jackie?" he asks, his face lighting up as he laughs. "But, angel, I've told you how it was with my band, back then. Between that &, well, how I was making my living, you know, I didn't spend a lot of time looking for girlfriends. They'd take off on me because I couldn't keep a date half the time: I didn't have time for 'relationships'," he laughs, tickling her chin, "But I did notice you, angel. I noticed you had a different boyfriend every gig, that you always had a gang of guys around waiting for their turn. I noticed the looks you would give me sometimes, but I didn't think for a second I was any different to you than the rest of them."

Jackie pouts for a moment, remembering how things were & how they might have looked to an outsider. In her memory, all those guys that used to hang around her at every gig, even the ones she she'd sleep with occaisionally, hardly figure at all. Like the drinks, they were just there, part of the scenery of the rock-n-roll lifestyle... "They weren't really 'boyfriends' Nico, and I would have scrapped them all to be with you," she says. Nico looks seriously at her, running his finger along her cheek, "I think it worked out better this way: back then, I would have screwed it up completely & you would have dumped me in the first week," he says, breaking into a smile at the end. It's very likely true, Jackie realizes. Over the years she's had crushes on dozens of guys very much her Nico, all gorgeous guitarists, but once she'd get them, she'd toss them aside quickly, unable to deal with the very thing she loved about them, the gorgeous young rock gods put their bands above everything, they live in nightclubs, where groupies come out of the shadows to wrap themselves around them. "You're probably right," she agrees, drawing his face down to hers, kissing him. They make love & spend the night on the beach, listening to the surf.

The newly reformed F Hole starts rehearsing right away. Nico's has their current repertoire down pat: Jackie's convinced he can play any song, and with his own special flair at that.

This particular rehearsal isn't just a jam: Bill Arthag is here to make Nico's joining the band official, to discuss the money aspects & a new tour schedule. Bill wants to do a lot of promotional stuff before he gets a new tour going. "Your reputation has gotten pretty low, what with the 'Sid and Nancy' crap your guitarist pulled, and your running off to take drunken holidays in the mountains, Jackie, we have to do something for the band's image before we toss you out there..." Jackie hates all this image crap, her band is what it is, people can like it or not & her life is none of their business...she wishes. Unfortunately, you can't be a star & still expect to have a private life or anything too personal to discuss with your record label. "Listen, Bill," Jackie breaks into his speech about her bad image, "You need to know, I'm pregnant right now..." Bill stands in shock, mouth hung open for a minute. "No," he says frmly, "No, absolutely not, Jackie. We don't need this right now...I don't need all the family groups coming after us for this one..."

"This is none of your business, Arthag," Nico interjects, obviously angered by Bill's audacity. "Look, kids," Bill says, lecturing like a parent, "If you are going to have a kid, you have to get married. I can't have them pulling your CDs out of the WalMarts because of your 'free love' lifestyle. Get married, or no baby." Bill makes it very clear his word is final. Jackie is outraged. "How dare you? Bill, my life is none of your business..if I want a baby & I don't want to be married, that's MY choice," she screams & runs out of studio to cry in the bathroom.