
Coby is thoroughly hungover when he gets up the next morning, and smokes a big bowl to help subdue the nausea before he heads out to the software company that wants to license him as a character. The place is on Sepulveda, not too far from Venice, but Coby drives past it several times, having to drive down the same block over & over before he spots the sign: 'Ragnarok Software'. Coby groans as he realises the place has no parking & he has to drive around the block several more times until he finds a spot. "You must be the surfer Torsten is waiting to speak to," the receptionist says to him as he comes in the door.

She's a hottie, so Coby gets her name, Nina, & then he starts telling her about surfing. She's obviously impressed & encourages him to tell her more.

But that's as far as he gets before the boss comes. For a moment, Coby forgot why he was here.

Coby plays games, when he's not actually out physically playing. But he has no idea about 'game engines' and whatever Torsten is going on about.

While Torsten starts laying out some of the legal bullshit, Coby's jaw drops as the French guy comes in from the back.

Well, isn't this uncomfortable? "Hey," Coby says, not having a clue what Ti's new boyfriend's name is, and not really knowing what else to say. Should he ask how Ti is? he wonders.

Coby tells Torsten how much he enjoyed his company's snowboarding simulation, and is stoked when Torsten tells him they are working on another version now. "In fact that is what your friend Rainier here is working on now," Torsten says. It takes Coby a second to figure out his 'friend Rainier here' is the French guy.

Coby has to do some voice acting for his character & to pose for some pictures so they can make his character realistic. And he'll get paid a tidy sum. A sweet deal all around, even if it means being in the same room with him. At least he doesn't have to see him with Ti.

Before he leaves, he makes a point of getting Nina's number & suggesting they go out for coffee or something, sometime. It's like a reflex, he does it without a lot of thought, picking up girls like big waves, rolling to shore, each another opportunity for a sweet sweet ride, another potential for a major wipe out.