
These people, Hayley especially, are in every way more his kind of people than Xtina & her friends could ever be. So why does he feel lost & out of place?

Time for another drink.

Coby's bored & he misses Xtina. She always had something interesting to say.

Of the two, PJ is probably the smarter one, Coby thinks, and he has a momentary regret for having settled on Hayley so fast. But then there's Kyle he reminds himself, and he's not looking for that kind of relationship, anyway. The kind he had with Ti.

Hayley goes boarding almost as much as he does. He's been doing it since he was a kid: she's only discovered it since moving to L.A., but she says she took to it right away. Coby certainly believes her: she's in the best condition he's ever seen any chick in. He imagines she excels in every sport she tries.

Ti couldn't listen to sports talk for more than half a second, let alone participate in it.

Hayley's a dream in everyway, and it's starting to piss Coby off that he can't look at her & not think of Ti. She's ruined him for other chicks.

That doesn't stop him from scoring, however. It just keeps him from getting as much out of it as he did before Ti.