Coby knows exactly how she feels, because he feels it himself. He can't stand her still looking after the old guy any more than she can stand seeing him with his new girl. Coby is used to risk-taking: he puts his life on the line every time he gets on a board, either to surf or snowboard, and he has the scars to show for every close call. Those physical risks are what make life worth living...but there are some risks he's made a point of avoiding, and he finds himself literally shaking with fear as he decides to take the biggest risk yet. He pulls Ti away from her crowd of friends, away from the sight of the ex-lover & his new flame. "Look at me, Ti," he says, holding her face so she is forced to look at him. "Since we got here, you haven't been able to take your eyes off him, but you're not with him now, Ti, okay? You're with me..." He wants to tell her how much he thinks he loves her, he wants her to know how scared he is of losing her friendship, but he's really not good at this sort of thing. The best he can do is try to express how he feels by comparing his emotions to wiping out, which to him sums it all up. Losing control of your board & being pulled under the water, forced down deep to the ocean floor, unable to move or resist, at the ocean's mercy. If you're lucky, you won't get hit by your own board or broken on the rocks...caught up in his speech, he even shows her his worst scar, from the time he wiped out & his board cut open his head. It nearly killed him...."Listen, Ti," he continues, fearing he's really going to blow it, "Right now, I feel like I'm on a wave & I'm going to lose control, like I'm going to wipe out harder than I've ever wiped out before. I have never been as scared of anything as I am right now, do you understand me, Ti?" God, he thinks, I don't even understand myself, how is she supposed to understand..?
But she'll understand a kiss, he thinks. And if she pushes him off & rejects him, it will break him. But he can't wait around for it anymore, either she'll be his or she won't, either he wipes out or he rides his wave....
"Don't ask me to pretend that didn't happen, Ti," he whispers in her ear, "I can't do it anymore. And I can't watch you looking at him anymore."
It's a miracle, but she doesn't push him away. She kisses him right back. Coby can feel his fear turning to exhiliration. Who knew love would be so much like surfing? "No more pretending, Coby," Ti whispers in his ear, "You're much more than my best friend." Somehow, she understood him.