The costume designer, Gavin's girlfriend apparently, comes up just at that moment. Astrid know exactly how to get to him now...through this pretty little thing that made her costume. "You're the one that made this gorgeous costume!" she exclaims, reaching out hug her, "I could just take you home & let you dress me up all day." Shay blushes & giggles, and Astrid can feel Gavin fuming behind her. But he can't say anything: Astrid's is just being nice & to say any different would just make him look like a jealous fool. Which, he is of course. And Astrid intends to make him very jealous before this film is over.
Of course, Astrid has worked all her life to get this movie role. She wouldn't let her little 'game' with Gavin get in the way of that. In front of the director, she is nothing but professional, posing for her costume shots.
When the shoot is over, she makes sure to get some face time with Byron. Ultimately, he's the only one in the room who really matters. Getting between Gavin & his sweet little new girlfriend will just be a game to pass the time during the shoot, a little punishment for him, for getting the starring role in this movie.
Director's Commentary: The photo session scene was accomplished using serveral items from Sim Logical. First, all characters (except Byron, this was shot in his house) were summoned to the lot using the juniper bush teleporters, which allow you to choose the outfit they arrive in. Astrid & Gavin were summoned in the HF outfits I got to be their costumes. (Gavin's was made for me by Ashaunda of Sims Addiction, Astrid's I got from Amazon Sims.) Shay & Alison were summoned in regular clothes. Gavin & Astrid were using the enforceable speaking points during the picture shooting sequence. These allow you to force any Sim on the lot to stand & speak, until you release them. Shay & Alison were sitting on enforceable director's chairs, which allow you to force any Sim on the lot to sit & stay until you release them. Also, you can't see it in the shots, but I was using the Sim Logical party plant, which maxes out all the needs of every Sim on the lot, except social. So when they were released from the chairs & the speaking points, the only thing they wanted to do was socialize, as opposed to scattering around the lot looking for food, fun or a bathroom.
Byron's 35mm camera is from Sim Freaks.