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      To use the simlogical chatroom, connect to irc.afternet.org port 6667.   Join #simlogical
      The server owners do not have strict censorship policies, but they ask that we do not spam etc that would affect the server performance for other users, and they ask us to refrain from illegal activities like paedophilia, software piracy etc etc.   Additionally I ask that everyone is polite to one another

*** Please note the channel is NOT moderated to be suitable for family or teen rating ***

      For now it will be hit and miss whether you will find anyone else to talk to in the channel, but soon I shall organise a schedule of times when I or maybe another host/ess will be definitely around to chat.   I will also be looking into a Java front end for people who don't have an IRC client.


This application requires Java suport.
This server also available via IRC at: