Comparison of the bed reservation patch and reservable beds



The difference between the patch and a hacked bed – explanation for non-programmers


In a .package containing a Sims bed, there are some lines of code saying what the bed does.  But usually most of the lines just say to look in another file – a semi-global or global file – for the rest of the instructions.   All the original beds in the game share the instructions in the global files.


When I hack a bed, I actually write code in the hacked bed file, and tell it to use that instead instead of looking in the global files for all the code. (it still looks for some stuff in the global file, but not as much as a normal bed does).  The beds that have not been hacked still look in the unchanged global files for their instructions, and they are not at all interested in the stuff I wrote into my own bed files.


However, when I write a patch, I make a file that the game engine is tricked into believing contains the latest global instructions.   So when a bed says “I’ve been told to look for my next instructions in the global file” the game says “here you are” and gives it my patch to look at instead!


When I updated my reservable beds recently,  I put inside the bed packages some of the same bits of the code that were in the patch, but written slightly differently, and told them to use that instead of asking for the global instructions for those particular bits.  That means they won’t be offered code from the patch, and that’s why they are independent from it.



Advantages of reservable beds


Disadvantages of reservable beds


Advantages of the bed-reserving patch


Disadvantages of the bed-reserving patch


Reasons you might wish to have both the global patch and the reservable beds

 If you do want to use both the patch and the beds, then please be sure to download the latest version of the reservable beds!!


Reasons you might want to have neither the patch nor the beds