Vary from blatant motive maximisers - to objects that just give a little extra
 Power-nap recliner. Can sit normally, or power-nap for fast
restoration of comfort and energy (about 20 Sim minutes depending on needs).
Enable/disable freewill power-napping.
You may recolour this object and
distribute it. Credit at your discretion |
 Power-nap recliner. Can sit normally, or power-nap for fast
restoration of comfort and energy (about 20 Sim minutes depending on needs).
Enable/disable freewill power-napping.
You may recolour this object and
distribute it. Credit at your discretion |
Power-nap recliner. Can sit normally, or power-nap for fast
restoration of comfort and energy (about 20 Sim minutes depending on needs).
Enable/disable freewill power-napping. |
Power-nap recliner. Can sit normally, or power-nap for fast
restoration of comfort and energy (about 20 Sim minutes depending on needs).
Enable/disable freewill power-napping. |
Leisure plant. Maximises all motives for all Sims on the lot, except for Social and
Fun, which are adjusted just enough to stop bad moods, and Hunger which is
not adjusted at all.
Good for pleasant atmosphere and lots of fun activities going on. No menu, just delete
when you've had enough. |
Party plant. Maximises all motives for all Sims on the lot, except for Social, which
is adjusted just enough to stop unhappiness.
Perfect for making friends and having babies. No menu, just delete
when you've had enough. |
Same as Party Plant above, but acts on visitors only. Visitors are
counted as anyone who does not live permanently on the lot, so this would
act on prisoners and school pupils etc. |
I call this the Please Yourself Plant. Select a Sim, and get him
to assign it to him or herself. Then you can go through each of the
motives electing to have each maximised, minimised, or left alone.
Maxmise takes the motive all the way up to 100 every half hour, while
minimise stops short of zero so the Sim doesn't die or pee himself
immediately or anything like that.Updated 17/2/04 to add disable/enable
freewill. |
Menu option performs a once-off zeroing of the motives of
all Sims in the same room so that they die a painful death groaning with
every discomfort known to simkind. Requested by a forum member called
Apophis the Destroyer. |
Download zipped tutorial showing a simple way to change the mood value
of an object using IffPencil2. After unzipping, keep all the files together
in the same folder, and click on motivestut.htm to read the tutorial. |
Outhouse (requires Makin' Magic EP). All needs satisfied, but not
available to use when all motives are already high, which stops it becoming
too addictive. |
Outhouse (requires
HouseParty EP). All needs satisfied, but not
available to use when all motives are already high, which stops it becoming
too addictive. |
Makin' Magic wishing well (requires Makin' Magic EP). Wish that full bladder away - for a few Simoleans! Sorry, was unable to make it available to children without
errors. |
Makin' Magic spinning wheel (requires Makin' Magic EP). Fun to use, and no fuss about bad
moods. |
Makin' Magic butter churn (requires Makin' Magic EP). Fun to use, and no fuss about bad
moods. |
Makin' Magic beehive (requires Makin' Magic EP). Fun to use, and no fuss about bad moods. |
For adults or teenagers. Sims will exercise spontaneously - whatever
their mood! Body skills |
For adults or teenagers. Sims will exercise spontaneously - whatever
their mood! Body skills |
For adults or teenagers. Mood no object. Creativity skills |
For adults or teenagers. No matter what the mood. Sims just love to
chat to themselves. Charisma skills |
For adults or teenagers. Sims recognise that learning can bring
fulfilment in the future, no matter how miserable they are now. Cooking or
mechanical skills. |