Simlogical Prison for Sims 3


This is a set of objects with their own scripts, that enable you to run a residential lot with some of the routines of a jail, and demarkations between prisoners and non-prisoners.   The package contains a minimal set of the necessary objects.  Custom versions of any object can be created, guidance for which I won't cover in this page.


This is neither a core mod nor a tuning mod and should not clash with anyone else's mods.  Created initially with patch level 1.50

Status of Sims

·       Any member of the household that is sentenced on a Cell Marker is counted as a prisoner

·       Any member of the household who is NOT sentenced on a Cell Marker is counted as an officer.  In addition, NPCs and service sims carrying out a task have the same access rights through doors as officers

·       Any other sim is counted as Others

Prison Controller

The Prison Controller is cloned from the EA burglar alarm, and can be found in small electronics for $1.

Use only one Prison Controller per prison lot.  The Prison Controller knows about and talks to all the other prison objects on the lot, and, while in activated mode, runs the timer that triggers all the scheduled actions such as locking prisoner into their cells.

All the objects also know their controller, and if they don't find it, or if it is deactivated, most objects will stop behaving like prison objects; doors will revert to behaving like a normal one of their kind (exception is a Prison Door when acting as an Outer Door).  This is to save process resources at times when you don't wish to play the lot as a prison.   For the same reason, the Controller also deactivates itself when it discovers you are no longer playing the household that belongs to its lot.

Menu options on the Prison Controller

Activate/Deactivate prison

Immediate cell lockups

Lock prisoners in cells

Lock prisoners out of cells

Open all cell doors

Cell lockup times...

(Hours 0-24 on 24hr clock)

Nothing scheduled

Lock all in

Lock all out

Open all doors


Emergency openup

Emergency lockdown

Emergency over



Cell Marker

The Cell Marker is cloned from the Digital Picture Frame and can be found in Decor/Paintings for $1

Each prisoner needs their own Cell Marker and it should be placed in the room that is to be the prisoner's cell.  More than one prisoner may share a cell, in which case you may have more than one Cell Marker per cell.  The Cell Marker works with a Prison Door

Menu options on the Cell Marker

Sentence a prisoner

Release <prisoner name>


Lock in

Lock out

Leave door open

Lock door


Apply mugshot of <prisoner name>

Open inventory

Use another mugshot




The Mugshot is cloned from the generic Photgraph and is created programmatically, not purchased.

There are no menu options on a Mugshot.

Area Marker

The Area Marker is cloned from the Smoke Detector and can be found in small electronics at $1.

Place one Area Marker in each relevant room or enclosed space to designate whether sims of various status can enter that room via a Prison Door.

Menu options on the Area Marker

Change access now...


Officers only

Officers and prisoners

Officers and non-prisoners

Area access times...

(Hours 0-24 on 24hr clock)

Nothing scheduled

Officers only

Officers and prisoners

Officers and non-prisoners




Prison Door (various types)

The Prison Door is a versatile object that infers its role by detecting where it is placed.   The green placement arrows when you are placing the door indicate which way is front.  The rules are as follows:

1.     If the front of the door is in an unenclosed space - open to the street - then the door's role is Outer Door

2.     Else if the back of the door is in a room with an Area Marker, then the door acts like an Area Door

3.     Else if the back of the door is in a room with one or more Cell Markers, then the door behaves like a Cell Door.

The Prison Doors can all be found in the normal doors section, for $1

Outer Door role

The Outer Door does not depend on the status of the prison controller.  Its purpose is to keep prisoners from leaving the prison even when you are not playing that lot, so that you don't find sims who are meant to be in prison enjoying themselves at parties or walking in the park.  You can have any number of Outer Doors.   The hard rule for a Outer Door is that no sim who is sentenced on a Cell Marker can pass through in the direction of its green placement arrows.  Therefore place a Outer Door so that its arrows face the outside world.   If you wish your prisoners to get fresh air you should provide an enclosed exercise yard.

Area Door role

Area Doors should be placed with their green placement arrows pointing away from the room they are controlling access to, ie the room that contains their Area Marker. 

Area Door has 3 states.  Officers can go through in either direction at any time.

·       Locked - Only Officers can pass in either direction.  Area Door is in this state during Emergency Lockdown.

·       Open - Any sim can go through it in either direction.  Area Door is in this state during Emergency Openup.

·       Marker-controlled - Access is as set by the Area Marker.

Unless there is an Emergency Lockdown on, access checks are only done on sims walking against the direction of the placement arrows, ie into the controlled area.  In Marker-controlled mode, any sim can walk out.  This is regardless of whether walking out takes them into another area with an Area Marker that may be against that sim.  An Area Door works only with the Area Marker that is behind it.  This is done to minimise risk of inadvertently stalemated sims.

Cell Door role

The Cell Door knows and talks to its own Cell Markers.  Place only one Cell Door per cell, with the green placement arrows pointing away from the cell.  

Cell Door has 3 states.  Officers can go through in either direction at any time.

·       Locked - Only Officers can pass in either direction.  Cell Door is in this state during Emergency Lockdown.

·       Open - Any sim can go through it in either direction.  Cell Door is in this state during Emergency Openup.

·       Marker-controlled - Cell inmate whose marker is set to lock him in can enter the cell only.  Inmate who is marked to be locked out can exit the cell only.  Cell inmates not set to do anything in particular remain the side they are.  All other sims can leave the cell (to prevent a situation of unwanted trapping) but not enter.  Cell Door is set to this state when choosing Emergency Over on the Prison Controller.

Menu options on the Prison Door
