Simlogical Prison for Sims 3 - Make your own prison objects


So far I have scripts suitable for single, double or sliding doors.

All you have to do is make a new door in the normal way, cloned from one of the above types, and then edit the scriptclass field in the OBJK to one of the following scripts:

·        Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonDoorDouble

·        Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonDoorSingle

·        Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonDoorSliding

Prison Controller

I made my Prison Controller from the burglar alarm, but it doesn't matter what you make it from. 

Change the scriptclass to Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonController

Area Marker

I made my Area Marker from the smoke detector, but it doesn't matter what you make it from. 

Change the scriptclass to Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.AreaMarker

Cell Marker

I made my Cell Marker from the Digital Photo Frame, but if you don't have the right EP to be able to find that, you can probably make it ok from an Easel Canvas (not normally a buyable object so you will have to tweak that also).  The absolute rule about this is there must be a part of the mesh that is flagged as "ImageSurface".  The Easel Canvas and Digital Photo Frame already have this requirement.

Change the scriptclass to Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.CellMarker


I made my Mugshot from an unbuyable Photograph object.  But I suggest you use an EaselCanvas.

Some explanation of this is required.  My included Mugshot object is not buyable - it is created in the game by using the Add Mugshot option on the Cell Marker.  Custom mugshot objects will not be able to work with this particular option, so you have to make them buyable.  Where it might be useful to make your own is if you do not find the autogenerated mugshots useful, and wish to create some alternative pre-created images.   It won't work as a CASTable object, you need to clone the canvas and then edit or replace the fixed default image.

Change the scriptclass to Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.MugShot

To use in game, buy your Mugshot object, place on lot, then drag your object onto the Cell Marker.  If it doesn't show up as the picture on your Cell Marker, you can use the Cell Marker menu - Mugshots - Open inventory or Next mugshot and twiddle with those options.

Prisoner-Only Furnishings Etc

Clone any toilet and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonToilet

Clone any shower and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonShower

Clone any pedestal sink and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonSink

Clone any single bed and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonBed

To make bunkbeds, clone a whole bunkbed suite (it will have four OBJKs but you only need to edit two). 

·       Look for the OBJK whose name ends in "Lower" and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonBunkLower

·       Look for the OBJK whose name ends in "Upper" and give it a scriptclass of Sims3.Gameplay.IngeJones.Prison.PrisonBunkUpper

If you have used TSR Workshop to clone the bunk you won't have any names for the OBJKs.  In that case you will have to open each OBJK and the scriptclass that is already in it will give you the clue which one is which.