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Black and white traditional check floor with borders


This is an entire set of floor sections that you can arrange in any way to make a checked floor with borders, or any other pattern.  Because they are scattered around in the floors catalogue, I have also included a ready made collection file so you can easily view them all together.  In fact as we get more and more user-made items, I recommend assembling all your favourite items by the collection method, so you don't have to often resort to wading through the Maxis stuff you don't like in the main catalogue!  NB you do not need to install the collection file I made at all; it's entirely optional.

NB: With later EPs you will not need to keep all the floor tiles, as they can be rotated to make your pattern.


These walls and floors are in the normal .package format and have proper names!  After unzipping, place simlogicalBWcheckCollection.package in My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Collections (optional - you can use the floors without the collection file) and place the whole folder called simlogicalBWcheckfloor under My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads.

Download:  BWcheckfloors.zip